Ok where are all my EOS holders at? 😂
Here's a comparison I made putting the recent rise into perspective.
If you look at these charts, Bitcoin went up approximately 3x from its old all time high of $1100 in 2013 to $3000 on it's first leg up in June, before the Bitcoin Cash fork. From there it's up over 6x again and no end in sight.
I think it wouldn't be impossible for EOS to do something similar. We are currently approaching 3x the old high of $5, and if we were to see a similar run up as Bitcoin, that would take us to nearly $100.
Something to think about.
looking forward to a great future with IOS myself
Thanks bro!
bro Excellent trading system post thanks for sharing
You post @Resteemed
Not to ruin peoples mood but there are 2 million tokens being released daily, so I highly doubt it. Bitcoin does not have this inflation schedule.
I am a EOS supporter but June 1st I expect around $30 which puts it at 30 billion where Ethereum was stuck at (~$300) for quite some time.
Thanks for your comment @daxso! At this point I think sentiment and FOMO is taking over and the 2 million tokens a day will not stop the price going up, it definitely hasn't stopped it so far!
Just think, if it's doing this now with inflation, what's going to happen at the end of the ICO...
I hope so. With the test net and Dawn 3.0 coming soon, developers and investors will start buying behind the scenes after using the test platform. Hopefully the growth of the market can absorb this inflation for the next 6 months. Happy holidays!
Here's a chart to really spend some time thinking about.
EOS is currently in an upward logarithmic channel, just as Bitcoin has been since the beginning of this long bull run. If, and I say if, this trend holds, we will see $100 by February, and $1000 by May.
I wouldn't bet against it!

thanks @adamantine Resteemed.
informative post,,,thanks for sharing@adamantine.
wonderful & lovely post..@Resteemed
thanks for the info..
looking forward to a great future with IOS myself
Excellent trading

great analysis.good job,thanks for sharing
wonderful market cryptocurrency market analysis,good job on bitcoin chart
thanks for sharing @adamantine
great work and very good topic sharing.i like this post,thanks for the post sharing
great and wonderful post man.