EOS launch date 'may' get postponed! - UPDATE - Crisis over

in #eos6 years ago (edited)

The below chat message is from the same guy that made my check for unwanted lodgers in my underwear...... GO EOS!!!!!

Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at 13.24.34.png

Software is software and bugs are bugs.

It seems the even the EOS team are not immune to the woes that software delopment has.

We seem to have a few major issues in the code that must be addressed, and they will but is it really a good idea to launch the mainnet on patched code before it has been tested. Well the only way to answer that is by reminding ourselves of the legendary Cartman telling Mr garrison to politely “Suck his balls!!!”

In my opinion, take the snapshot but just wait for Christ sake. Do NOT release shitty code on a live network. The community are saying “A delay will impact reputation”, well ok, but how do you think a major security flaw will impact EOS numb-nuts.

@eos-Canada are my top picks as a block producer, but just look at his Facebook when discussing this.

That guy has been nothing but rainbows and butterflies until now, that is enough to make me check my underwear for sure.


The reason why the launch might not be postponed is that IMEOS (speaking for a group of chinese BP candidates) has announced that they will launch at the beginning of june, no matter what, and BPs who wait, will just be left out of the mainnet:

May you live in interesting times...

Well, in my opinion, that is awful product management. Let'ss hope common sense prevails here

Ah don't worry, no risk, no fun (and gains)... don't forget eos is designed to enable competing governance approaches based on the same tech. Why not have the Chinese start, if they reach a stable chain good, we made it in time, if it doesn't, the community will launch a more robust chain, and then we haven't even talked governance...

Lol, let the games begin!

I hope they can test and launch with the date but i agree... its a double edged sword not meeting deadlines or releasing broken code but i think postponing is the lesser of the two evils. Make the best of a bad situation and show maturity saying we are sorry we didnt meet the deadline but we guarantee we will release our product to the best of our ability.

to add to that, they didnt meet their May 4th deadline either but i dont recall people getting up in arms about that oddly enough.