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RE: !! EOS ICO - Registering a Public Key !!

in #eos7 years ago

this pisses me off that they are basicaly selling a BROKEN token that requirs REGISTRATIOn so WTF did I buya nd WHY cant they just exchange these tokens I FUCKING BOUGHT with the "real" EOS tokens when EOS launches...WTF tho, why are they making US resonsibel for tis EXTRA STEP

You realize how many peopel will loose their money and complain and theyll sue dan and EOS for this terible mistake? They btter make sure EVEY SINGLE PERSOn who buys EOS REGISTERS before their snapshot date, because they WONT be able to do that! MANy peopel will NOT register and ask WHERE TEH FUCK are my EOS? Will shapeshift still honor EOS transactions?!?!?! wtf will happen?!?!?!

WHy does shapeshift and why does exodus allow you to fucking BUY EOS tokens if they arent actualy worth anything?!?!?!?!?!?

Why would I have to registe!?!? this is a FLAWED system! WHY THE HELL would I have to register EOS tokebs I BOUGHT already?!?!?! Arent they going to HONOR all the EOS tokns that they fucking sold?!?!?! WTF is this shit its really making me mad because eopel ARE GOING TO LOOSE MONEY not veryone is going to remmeber to register their tokens!

WTF WTF WTf and there isnt ven a SIMGLE google link when you search "Register EOS tokens" not a SINGLE link pops up/,...

YOU CANT EVEN FIND THE REGISTRATION LINK when you GOOGLE "register EOS" wtf. so why havent they actually done any sort of ad campaiugn to TELL people about that?!?!? will ecodus wallet give out a fucking warning?!?!?! how will they know someone hasnt bought EOS and might forget about it untill 2019....this is a disgrace and really makes me mad. Theres no reason they can't exchange evrry EOS token for actual EOS when it comes out! WTF did i buy these EOS tokens on exodus wallet via shapeshift for?!?!?! why did i buy them if they wont be WORTh anything if i dont "register" .....why cant I just have my EOS???

SHouldnt they just exchange your EOS when the time comes/?!?1 WHY would they just RIP PEOPEL OFF and REFUSE to honor the EOS tokens THEY sold to us?!?! Just becasue we foret to register they can now just NOT give us our crypto currency?!?!? theres no excuse! its really unique as no other crypto has ever done this, its shameful, and its forcing teh customer to do xtra work, work that not a single other crypto currency has ever done, wtf,

its making me realy mad

peopel are saying on reddit that your token will br WORTHLESS if you dont register them by 2018....thats fucking bullshit....why wouldnt they honro these fuckin tokens??!?! WTF this makes absolutely no sense IF you are left with worthless tokens after a certtain DATE after BUYING the tokens for acertain price, and the tokns dont come with instructions, so if I just found this out then WTF what about al the peopel who just buy EOS and dont ever read abouty it?!??!!?

Do you all realize how many peopel are gping to be screwed ovr this if the EOS team doesnt buy back all the EOS tokens they sold???

Ok i am done venting but this made me so mad, i wonder why this makes me mad.....its the idea that coins we were sold coudl become unusable asif they have an expiration date...wel, Dan and the EOS team should PLEDGE to PAY FOR ANY person who forgets to register their EOS because HOW could someone defraud the EOS team if THEY HAVE EOS TOKENS?!?! ucant counterfeit WTF...

opk i was oing to edit my angry rant, but you know ill leave it to show how crazy I really am

I really like EOS and I know it will be bigger than ethereum!