Bitshares Address: ackza770
Twitter followers: 1,131
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Thank you so much, @btcvenom first told me about beyond bits and recently @reko just mentioned this stuff in relation to your Shark Tank show which I had just recentlythought of, expecting my idea to be original and new, and I found out you ad already had the idea AND were already doing your OWN sharktank where you give out your beyond bits, and I must say I have been LOVING bitshares walletrecently, had to use it when was down but the bitshares app worked and since shapeshift in exodus wallet was down i couldnt buy or sell EOS, but Bitshares had me covered and I was able to get as MUCH open.EOS as I wanted! So I apreciate these BeyondBits tokens and will use them WHILE I promote you when i do, if i get any..... so i will make sure to tell lotsof people in my next post about this, I have a feeling i will be mentioning you in my posts from now on!