I see new brands of bottled water almost every day in print, web, and at stores. Healthy bods with heads tilted back and bottle inverted on lips, label facing camera. The bottled water brands all share a couple of main traits:
(1) They purport to be the anti-soda, so they will boast of low to no sugar, along with containing substances added to them if not crushed vitamins or minerals.
(2) The containers are single-serve and could last hundreds of years, if I'm correct about the decomposition rate of the plastic.
Is the boiled water to make soup on the stove from the tap or from bottles? (Now, if you're in Flint, MI, I empathize).
When you wash your hands is there anything in the tap water that could seep through your skin and into your blood stream?
I believe that bottled water's largest contribution for better or worse is toward pollution. Sorry to put it this way but there are just too many plastic containers in front of me at the store.
Unleaded water is the enemy of bottled-water companies.