One must care for a world one will not SEE.

in #environment8 years ago

The most important thing that we have inherited is this planet, Earth.

Nothing else is as important as the protection and preservation of our planet. But we don't realize that. The greed and lust for power and money have blinded us to such an extent that we care only for ourselves. We don't realize the finite-ness of our lives. What are a 80 or even 90 years on a cosmic scale. Not even a second on the cosmic calendar. They are meaningless, so infinitesimally small that they are size is almost incomprehensible. We don't realize that we are not here for eternity. One day we will become a part of this very planet. Yes it's true that are lifetimes are very, very small but whatever we do on this planet in our lifetimes is sure to have an enduring effect. Whether it's for the betterment of the planet or for it's worse, it'll have a lasting effect.

Look around and tell me what is happening in the world right now. Turn on the news or even google it. The current events: what are they? What is being mass developed right now? What is being emphasized right now in the media or even in the industry?

Is it the environment? Or is it just consumerism?

Every now and then you'd see an environmental-advertisement but is it as often as the movie or cell phone ads? I doubt it.

One of the most major news is the US elections. Hell we have a candidate that thinks climate change is a hoax. For fuck's sake. What is happening to us? Why is mankind going downhill at a time when it's supposed to crown itself the king of the cosmos? It's truly a mystery. I don't think that we will ever be able to overcome the problem of climate change and global warming when there are still people among us that deny the existence of these problems.

“The first step in solving a problem is recognizing there is one.”

Going by that logic, I'd guess that we are pretty far from the solution.

Fossil fuels are being used instead of renewable energy. Just think about all the shit that we are doing. If you think about it enough, you realize how hysterical and absurd it really is. It's laughable: comedy gold. We are so keen to kill ourselves, our children, and our children's children KNOWINGLY just because we won't invest in something that is almost endless and instead use something that will probably run out soon enough. What will happen after 200 years? Will the fossil fuels still last? I doubt it.

Agreements are being made in different countries to eliminate entirely the use of fossil fuels and instead use renewable energy. Kudos to them! But we haven't still succeeded in eliminating it's use entirely, especially in third-world countries.

A Greek proverb sums up this dilemma perfectly.

“Society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.”

This is what isn't happening in our society. In our society, old men are more of a power-hungry type than a environment-friendly type.

This thought plagues me more often than it should. I feel the same feeling of helplessness and doom that any other devoted environmentalist feels after reading all the news on climate change and environment. The most I can do is play my part in the effort to stop this madness, however small that part may be. Maybe I can preach my environmentalism to other in the hopes that they will do the same and help me - us in saving our planet. It's what I've been doing for a few years and will continue to do in the future. Thanks for reading, I hope you liked it.


Mother needs our care

couldn't agree more.

If you are passionate about going green, I suggest looking into this
She's trying to start a Steemit green movement :)
Great article!

Thanks! The initiative is pretty good, and I hope to participate in it soon enough. Thanks for giving me the link!

You're welcome :)

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