There it goes!
I always ask them; Why would you just drop that on the street like that?
Their response; Look around, I am not the first so stop bugging me!
So, before I begin this, I would love to throw this out there…
Please, if you do know the first person that started dropping waste inappropriately on the streets, sidewalks, and the environment in general, let me know… I’d even give you 10sbd if you introduce me to them.
Sadly, the answer to the above is, all of us. We all started it.
One question I continue to ask people is, what do you think happens to that plastic can you just dropped? Where do you think that biscuit wrap disappears to after you just drop them on the street like that?
Oh, you do not know? Here is a little insight…
Firstly, there are two types of wastes; Biodegradable and Non-Biodegradable. Just as the name implies, Biodegradable simply means, living organisms can in some way degrade that item to a non-toxic form that can be beneficial or less harmful to the environment and everyone around.
Non-biodegradable means those environmental organisms just do not have the means to degrade them. Both are harmful in their own ways, but the latter is worse.
Examples of Non-biodegradable materials are plastics, aluminum cans, biscuit wraps, polythene and yes, pretty much all those stuffs you just throw out on the streets carelessly.
These materials most times do not rot or decompose which means, they just remain there in the atmosphere. Sadly, they do not just remain there. They play some really harmful roles in our environment.
Here's what you are causing when you litter!

These materials are made up of some acidic components which pass on their acidity to the soil contributing to soil infertility. In other words, the next time you decide to throw that waste on the street, just know you are contributing to increased price and scarcity of food in the future. 😛
Some light non-biodegradable materials can be blown by the wind and this gets to, and blocks our gutters, sewerage and water pipes. Apart from flooding on our streets as a result of this, another implication is increased spread of disease and here’s how; Water cannot percolate these materials and this leads to them becoming the perfect breeding grounds for mosquitoes and other vectors that cause diseases. So the next time there is a break out of Cholera, Malaria or any other similar disease, just know you just might be responsible for that, Yes You! 😒
Soil aeration is also hindered because, as earlier mentioned, water cannot pass through most non-biodegradable materials. Hence, the soil is getting less aerated. Poor soil aeration leads to bad effects on the root of crops, production of toxins harmful to crops and poor seedling development all because you could not properly dispose that refuse. 😣
It does not end there. Sometimes, some animals such as cows and goats which are not so 'careful' when eating, eat some of those polythene materials. Since they cannot digest them, the materials clog their intestines. This leads to their death, a slow and painful one at that. The next time you see a goat lying down dead for no obvious reason, just know, you just might be responsible! 😐
This does not affect only land animals, as some of those stuffs you drop on the streets gets to our water bodies and some cute sea animals such as sea birds and whales, swallow them as they take in water and the same thing that happens to that poor goat, happens to that cute whale! 🤧
There is also the aesthetics of the environment. I mean, how do you feel when after drinking that lovely chilled can of coke, you dispose it on the street, and then when you pass by that street everyday, you see that can just lying there looking at you… How do you feel! You are letting the environment suffer after you finished enjoying yourself! 😥 I ask you, is it fair? Is it fair?
Ever heard of Eutrophication? If you have, I’ll bet they told you it happens because of human activities such as use of fertilizers and untreated waste water disposal into water bodies and you were like…
Oh well, I am not into that, so I am not responsible. 🙄
Well, sorry to say, but you are one of those responsible. That organic waste you just dropped could get into the water ways and then to our water bodies and also join in with others to cause algal bloom!
For those that are unaware, this simply means, depletion of oxygen in water and then death of aquatic animals. In other words, those lovely catfish you love to consume is gone, partly because you could not dispose that waste properly! 🤓
There is also the issue of Chemical Hazards released to the environment, Discomfort to Animals as seen in those chickens you see running around with polythene bags caught in their tiny cute feet, Fire Hazards and so much more all associated with improper disposal of waste also known as littering.
So please, if you have got a heart, which I know you do else you won’t be able to read this, stop littering our environment for us… Please and Please😭😧
For those that might think this is just a baseless rant, here are some references you should look at😒
Reference 1
Reference 2
Reference 3
Thank you in advance as you do this the next time you're about to dispose trash...

Dispose properly🙏🙏😘😍😍
I am getting tired of talking about this, myself. Thank you for saying this.
People feel no remorse for improperly disposing their wastes.
I just tire for them😣😣
thanks for sharing this @fejiro this is simple wisdom that should be leveraged on.
Sadly...it isn't
Thanks for sharing this. Always baffles me why people do these things. I hope everyone sees this.
They should... It baffles me too
When there's lawlessness in a society her citizens misbehave. Nice publication @fejiro
Thanks... Soon, I promise.
This is so educative. I'll use the bin always. Thanks for sharing
Thanks for deciding 🤗
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