I went vegan before I saw cowspiracy for ethical reasons, though the more I learn about animal agriculture the more I realize how critical of an issue it is. Some people believe it's too late already and that we have less than 10 years before we extinct ourselves.. Some put it out at around 2050 when they think we will deplete the oceans of fish which are vital to the eco system.. Plus there's numerous other ways we might extinct ourselves which are related to human greed and lack of respect for nature.
Thanks for bringing attention to the issue! It can be difficult sometimes cause a lot of people don't wan to change their habits. But.. What good is any of this if we extinct ourselves and there's no one left to enjoy it..?
That's amazing, I had no idea! I'm glad someone is trying to do something here. It's scary what we've done to this World without thinking about the consequences of it. What do you personally think is the biggest problem? For me I think it's the deforestation but I don't know much about it either...
I think everyone needs to open up their eyes soon but I also think that a lot of people have started to already. For instance my municipality made it mandatory to seperate trash and recycle :-)
Yeah.. A lot of people don't know or understand just how bad it is, probably to the delight of those who are benefiting from such, though.. All the money in the world won't do these people any good if we're all dead. Kinda hard to spend money if you're not alive to spend it.
I think the biggest problem is probably human apathy/ignorance. If more people cared more, a lot of these issues wouldn't be so serious.
But if you meant in a strictly like.. Mechanical sort of sense, like which specific threat is the worst.. Umm.. Probably how we are treating the ocean. There's a lot of people regrowing trees and still a good amount of trees left in some places like the US for example.. But.. The ocean is critical for life on the planet just like the trees are and it's being overfished and polluted to heck. So.. I'm a bit concerned that people will take too much from the ocean, and life will be taken from all of us because of it.
Also I agree, people need to wake up and see and care, and not be so apathetic and believe they can't do anything about it.
You're so right. We should all try to work harder for it. Spending some of our money we greedily save to charity. Something...
So what do you think we can do to save the ocean? Just stop eating fish or is there another solution? Obviously (unfortunately) the first thing isn't going to happen anytime soon.
Stop eating as much fish. Give the oceans a chance to replenish.
There are efforts to breed more, but the way commercial fishing is done is just insane.. They drag huge nets across the ocean and take wayyyy too much. I don't think any amount of breeding or other solutions will work as long as people keep fishing at the rate they are, it is unsustainable. Thus the only solution I can think of is to lessen the rate at which is being done. Significantly.
I mean.. If humans extinct themselves cause they are so addicted to the taste of dead rotting flesh that they can't even reduce their consumption of such, I'm going to be really disappointed.
That's so sad!! I'll definitely think about this :-(