We took a heavenly used DELL Latitude 5580 beefed it up and set it back into service!
This AWESOME Business Transition and Coach should get another couple of years out of it : )
^^^^^^^^^^ *plug * plug * plug * ^^^^^^^^^^
Work Performed :
- Cloned 500 GB sloth record-player-style hard drive to new 1 TB SSD with Acronis
- Removed 8 GB RAM and filled both bays with 16 GB modules for a BLAZING 32 GB !!!
- Sent client down the road and told him to tell his friends! = )
i latterly see robot hands in those pictures...
try the [EDIT] button
THIS is the Droid I'm looking for...
[Q A ME - THE ORY ] How to build a citIZEN from HIVE: Let's start here @ The O C U