A few updates:
- We are possibly going to blacklist BP that do not update their security keys https://enumivo.com/topic/593-block-producers-must-pay-great-attention-to-security-issues
- We are drafting a DApp proposal for developers. It will offer seed funding and rewards to useful DApps
- We upgraded the BP nodes to
- Developers are starting to write useful tools to help monitor our BPs
*Enumivo Network Monitor(@Daifuku): http://enuism.com *Leaderboard (@ogbitcoin): http://enuleaderboard.com *Build Sripts(@ansen9): https://github.com/AnsenYu/ENUAvengers *Vote Check(@ansen9): http://enuvote.com/test.php?prod=bpname *Enu Tools(@davidfnck): http://enudf.com/index.php/enu-tools/ - The community wants to make sure all of the websites are up to date. https://enumivo.com/topic/616-top-30-block-producers-and-their-websites
****Please Vote*****
If you like my posts please Vote for tomblocknode as block producer
Campaign: https://enumivo.com/topic/488-enutom-a-block-producer-that-gives-back-to-the-world/
Website: http://enutom.com/
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/CTDZfk_fNbJNKy2EIBmWyA
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@tradecrypto1