How To Reinvent Yourself By Re-Defining Your Purpose

I don’t remember exactly wen it happened, it must have been a few months or closer to a year. But, I noticed that I kept doing the same things day after day, week after week, month after month. Setting the same schedule, same actions and never following through.

I believed this was the direction I wanted my life to move in, I was certain of it. But, deep down in my gut I felt that the path I was on wasn’t “right” for me anymore. This was a huge system shock, because I’d spent the better part of twenty years following this path.

Deep down I knew my life needed a massive change.
Here’s how I knew I lost my purpose, does this sound familiar?

The closest that I could figure was that I was feeling frustrated and overwhelmed in my life.

Frustrated because everywhere I looked I felt like I was behind those around me in my carer, my health and my relationships. I felt like I was just treading water.

Overwhelmed because I was so busy consuming a ton of material that would be a “magic bullet” that would show me the exact path and steps I needed to take to completely change my life.

The result was a sinking feeling that no matter what I would end up right back in the same place. This became a self-fulfilling prophecy, because I was chasing the elusive “magic bullet.” So much that I never really focused on anything and took action on the smallest steps to pull me out of the quicksand I was slowly sinking into.
My Path To Reinventing Myself Started Like This

The first decision I made was to completely unplug from the hamster wheel of “self improvement” I was on. I had so much incoming information I needed to hone in on a single voice and eliminate all the dissenting voices touting similar messages.

Once I found the voice I most resonated with, I started to focus on their mission, their message and tactical steps. I found clarity in the simplicity of not having too much to learn or consume and more time to implement.

This process lead to faster clarity on my new purpose in life, what I was meant to do during the second half of my life, it was like weeding out an overgrown garden. The path started to become more clear with each weed I pulled.
We’re all meant to do many things in our lives at different stages. But many of us blindly believe that what served you during the first half of your life will carry you through the second half.

Once you start removing voices, information and dissenting opinions in your life you’ll notice that you achieve more clarity which leads to a greater sense of purpose in your life.

Identifying the purpose for the second half of your life is critical to creating a sense of fulfillment and happiness that acts like fuel to a fire slowly burning within you.

All those actions you “want’ to take and “know” you should take but never act on almost instantly become easy to do and you never miss out on one that really cents your path in life.

Originally published at on June 2, 2016.