BB Judy Has Secrets

in #entertainment4 years ago

The second episode of Brat Loves Judy was a snooze fest. Judy is running around like a chicken with her hide cut off hiding from Brat while she tries to put together a surprise party/proposal for Brat...


While planning for the surprise party/proposal Judy has to become distant and secretive towards Brat because she wants everything to be a surprise...


Brat notices the change in Judy's behavior and becomes alarmed and annoyed because Judy never used to miss her phone calls or go long periods of time without speaking to her...


Da Brat confronts Judy and pours out her heart about the way she is beginning to feel with the distance but Judy is determined to surprise Brat so she has no way to explain herself which causes Brat to walk away and drive off...


Judy is hoping to keep things together and carry out the surprise before the relationship can deteriorate any further. The way things are played out on this episode seems scripted and unbelievable because it would be hard to do as much as Judy is doing regarding this ultra extravagant party without Brat knowing because the cameras are always around and the people closest to brat already know so it would be easy for Brat to listen in on someone and find out what's going on.
