Chemtrails... Are They Real?

in #entertainment7 years ago

Is there a mass aerial dispersal of unknown chemicals or biological agents into our sky actually going on? Could this be why we are seeing many auto-immune diseases happening? We take a subjective look into this topic / conspiracy theory in the video below.

This was one of my first videos ever created, originally posted at BitChute, now at our new YouTube Channel


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Hey, I have been flying as a commercial pilot for a while, the trails are simply a byproduct of the engines, just like the exhaust of your car.

I mean why would they put it in kerosine if they can put it in car fuel. The question is though how do you know they are doing this, is there proof?

Making us more dumb, they would be better off, killing the internet or put something weird in food, oh wait suppose sugar makes more sense 😄

Chemtrails could be true, but so could anything else... so what do we need? Proof... where is it?

Great points, but what about cloud seeding for weather modification? There is definitive proof that pilots of some aircraft can drop chemicals into clouds to cause rain and other weather conditions. There are even patents for it, so would it be to far fetched to think they could be testing other things as well?
I totally agree there are easier methods to kill us off. Maybe I should make a video about McDonalds lol😂😂😃😃

I agree they could do evil stuff with this, our only hope is that international treaties and law make sure that all countries keep to the pact of not using chemical weapons.well I have heard that as well, that they have attempted to change the weather at certain important events, I still highly doubt that we have any significant influence on the weather, weather systems are hundreds of miles wide, I can believe they could have an effect on a small portion. I stand corrected 😃

I think most governments agree that using chemical weapons is a bad idea in any form, as it will put anyone in danger.

I mean China controls people through their new bear system, they are not particulary hiding it. Through the use of big brother they control the behaviour of the population.
Satellites can pick up on certain particles in the air, so I think keeping secrets becomes more difficuly every day.

What can we do? Get rid of central banking systems and move the power of money into a decentralized fashion. A lot of evil is driven through our current financial system.

I believe crypto coukd deliver a better system in the future. Perhaps in dit's current form, it solved the centralized trust issue that we needed banks for.

People need to still grasp that fact, spreading this word is more important than anything else imo.

Well said brother!!