Bollywood rumor spreads that Bollywood's popular actress Preity Zinta is going to be the first child of 42 years. The news of her pregnancy has been published in several media of India. However, neither Preity Zinta nor any of her family is yet to confirm. On February 29, 2016, Lacey Nayika Preeti Zinta married American resident Late Jinn Good Anf. His present 42 years
It is known from the news that recently, Preeti Zinta went out of Mumbai. After a long time since coming to public, the rumor of the possibility of becoming his mother started releasing stalks.
Media reports further said that the news of the marriage of Preeti was not known at first, as she is secretly hiding one more news!
On the other hand, on the other hand Pratiti was seen wearing a loose dress, black scarf stomach slightly in the stomach. And this is why the question has been raised, is she trying to hide the pregnancy.
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