So domino is being played by a black woman big deal...

in #entertainment7 years ago

Man people are touchy about their comic heros. Fine in Dead Pool 2 Domino is a black woman and her signature color scheme is inverted big deal. I can understand the attitude about it though I get it. Hard core fans aren't very accepting of major changes to established characters hell I've been known to get a bit pissy about huge character changes but it's not the end of the world really. Take Venom in Spider-Man 3 for instance I haaaaated that Topher Grace was cast as Eddy but in the end why care I still love the comics so its a big who cares for me. But back to Domino does it really matter if she is played by a black woman? I mean really?! Now if this were a documentary about say, MLK and he was played I don't know Tommy Lee Jones then people would have a reason to bitch. The point is MLK was a real person and Domino is a fictional character and to some degree characters can change. See, Marvel has this habit (that I think works well) of creating alternate universe versions of their characters. Take Spider-Man for instance. There is Peter Parker, Ben Riley, Miles Moralis and a few more. I think it's Marvel's way of trying new ideas with their big characters without ruining the established character. Could the Dead Pool crew have taken that route? Sure and it would probably have been more acceptable for a lot of people. Either way though, it doesn't matter much what the character looks like if it's written to honor the source material...or close enough to it. So if you are one of these "But Domino isn't black!" people just remember the story is what matters most And the movie isn't even out yet...20449021_1748954051784599_7801233591451514001_o.jpg