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in #entertainment7 years ago

Anonymous 1
Anything that's not bringing joy to your heart and you are still pressing on, it will end up affecting your health. There is a limit to everything. You can drag a horse to the river, but you can not force it to drink water.

At times its not what you desire love gives to you. And when you are not happy in a relationship, withdraw back, backoff and think if the person you are dying for is worth dying for. If really he loves you, he will come back and try to make things right then you give him your terms, if he accepts it, give him a second chance because in every relationship there are room for change.

Don't rush into a new relationship yet, give yourself some time to study the person's attitude.bcos if you don't find your match, you will continue to make the same mistakes all over again.

Anonymous 2

When it happened like that, you meditate on what to do,if your mind tells you not to confront your girl friend know that that mind is confused. She is your friend, she's not a mascurade that you can not see her face. Even though you don't need the relationship, still confront her and let her know that you are aware of what is happening, because if you keep it in your mind, you will end up putting yourself in an emotional prison. In order to free your mind, let her know. Because when you don't, you will end up hurting yourself.

There are some things that you can not conceive. When you conceive a matter like this in your heart, the only picture you see is what has happened. When you sleep, you see it, when you are bathing you see it, when you see your girl friend, you see it, you are eating you see it. Hence, the best thing to do is talk things over with her, this shows that you are mature.

@zizymena, you are too much. Chop kiss 😘


@diamondrich the relationship expert.