You are here to enjoy life not to fight it
Credit: Stefan mueller
Simple, right?
But so many do fight life. They try to change their reality, think so much how to inflict a certain outcome on their world, make a long list of goals and tasks ("50 things I must do before I reach 40"), set a specific agenda for themselves and their families.
At some point, they discover the new-age spirituality. Which tells them to think positive, to meditate, to focus on the desired goal, to imagine the red sports car, to have what they want clearly in their vision. And they are told to keep these rituals X times a day.
Is the fight gone? No! It's just shifted. Instead of bothering thoughts they now have a new task-master. They now fight hard to have the correct visions, the right method of meditation, in order to create the desired changes in their life.
Why people fight life so much?
Trust yourself, and allow your creations to come to you.

I am blessed with this post, as simple as it is, the meaning is profound.
But do you think setting goals is not appropriate?
For the long run setting goals is not effective. It only brings stress. More than that, it limits the creation.
If you create with "wide brush strokes", you will allow your creations to surprise you.
These people that outline plans for there lives, setting milestones sometimes forget life isnt a straight line. There is a proverb my people say, would translate it. It says life is not straight like the barrel of a gun, its like a horse whip that flings to both sides
You are a Yórúbà steemian. Awesome proverb.
Oya give the world indeginous translation of that proverb.
I choose to be happy, take my ease and enjoy life to the fullest. Why should i trouble myself with visions that only cause grief because of the fear of having them unfulfilled.
Thanks @nomad-magus for sharing such a wonderful wisdom packed piece.
Thanks, @nomad-magus for the well-written article okay goals help us look outside the box but the problem is that we set unrealistic goals and at the end of the day if we don't attain our goals we end up depressed. I remember when I had just joined steemit, My friend used to get about 30-40 Sbds per week so I set a goal that i should get the same that week forgetting it is the voters that decide not me and you know what that week i only managed to scoop only 7SBDS I cannot explain how i felt , I got stressed till I got over it so ever since then I just let stuff flow on its own I donot force any thing .
Power won't work. Good for you to understand this so quickly!
Everyone, at some point in their lives, wakes up in the middle of the night with the feeling that they are all alone in the world and that nobody loves them now and that nobody will ever love them and that they will never have a decent night's sleep again and will spend their lives wandering blearily around a loveless landscape.
Hoping desperately that their circumstances will improve but suspecting, in their heart of hearts that they will remain unloved forever.
Time for a deep breath
Hmmm so many people fights life because of the mindset that life is a battle. Some fights so much and loose their focus not totally but following the trail of the battle and leaving their right turning into a place of rest. Life is easy , life is good we just need to know this .
It’s is all by planning not fighting without plans
I think that all this happens through the society that says if you do not do "x" thing you will not have done anything in your life, that's where that fear of feeling that you did not take advantage of your life for not getting those experiences or doing those things.
but life is about something else, it's about enjoying your experience in your own way and be happy without bothering anyone, or criticize the one who enjoys it in a different way.
I Respect to receive respect.
Very well said. I thought exactly the same about new-age spirituality.
There are many who put the thoughts into the driving seat, but as I say so often, they are merely at the effect of our Soul which has always created and will always create the reality it wants to experience. Whenever we say:" this is not the reality I want to experience" it means either that our thoughts are not in alignment at all with our Heart, or that the outer world hasn't yet started reflecting back our "new" inner sense of Beingness ( e.g when we are still in the process of a life shake-up).
This is also why I am not a fan of "How to" advice. Each one is unique and has his or her own means that they can find out. Of course, there are some general practises which help, like training one's breath. But when we simply follow somebody's instruction and make its success dependent on the teacher's certificate or popularity or what not, than we direct our power not internally but externally and give it away. It is all about the experience of progress through self-experimenting.
Whenever we look outside we will eventually get a 'No', whenever we look inside we eventually get a 'Yes'.
... And when the outside no and the inner yes are aligned, one is on grace.
Good one 👍
Maybe, just maybe they do not want to feel they wasted their life when they get old. I personally don’t plan much anything. Actualy, I did have my own dreams to become true, I did achieve some of them already, but not the way you mentioned it “those 50 things before 40...” Life can as well become too stressful, tight and too disciplined. Balance in life is very important.
An excellent reflection, although we can say that it would be easy to live fully, enjoying what life gives you, without regrets or worries, but I go to what many times mentioned in my comments, we have a chip that says the opposite, an education that teaches you a life process, where it is frowned upon that you do not follow the steps, what happens to those who want to be musicians and their parents tell you that you must be an engineer? Then we start worrying about pleasing others, like the girl who feels guilty about having a boyfriend and the older sister doesn't, anyway... Thousands of things we give more importance to than living to the fullest than we do, would be that studying the tools we need to live differently
Hence my blog, your comments, etc...
some have financial problem on life or some growing like this environment..Like these reason there are many,,So they can't enjoy in life,
Other thing ,some are adjusting like this,,Life is so enjoyable if he/she takes it easy,,otherwise it turns the bored weather..
Thanks @nomad-magus for sharing this topic
The challenge is to have the right mindset of joy, then the reality changes. Most people have many reasons not to be in joy. financial, health, relationships, etc...but when one is able to find the inner peace and balance and act with joy, then the reality shifts.
The fear of uncertainty is the root cause of all our troubles.
We are in the present, but worry a lot about the future.
That's true to some extent. Life is not sweet for all. Life is not fair to all. Some strive so hard to be outstanding and fought against the tide to get to where they are today.
And at times when you demand those things, there is need to fight.
I am a young man of 25 who has dwelt in lack and poverty but from time to time, i keep telling myself this:
And in order to achieve that, I must fight poverty by being hard working and look for opportunities to make me better than my poor late dad and my living widowed mum.
i love this post.
we always try to make life better and better without knowing that death is getting closer and the death comes we forgot to enjoy life. it's funny seeing people always work and work and no time te enjoy life.
thank you for this post you are right @nomad-magus most people forget to enjoy life. me either sometime. 😀😀😀
"All people ride towards their death. Those who worry whip their horses"
its so simple but contain a complex meaning.... wonderful post dear.... enjoing life is solution of all problems.... if we can not bear it then we should enjoy it....
enjoy= be in joy
Here are echoes from art and literature:
Meditating on Frida Kahlo's last painting, I marvel how after a life of intense physical pain, compounded by emotional suffering, her last artistic offering was a still life of cut watermelons, with these words carved into them: Long Live Life
Such affirmation is found, too, in long-suffering Kafka's aphorism: 'In your struggle against life, side with life.'
Viva La Vida 💫
Everyday is a battle waking up early in the morning. As soon as your hear that alarm, like a bell from the ring the fight for life begins. Striving to achieve a life that is comfortable for the ones you love makes the daily fight worth it. No matter how hard.
....hence my point - there is no need for fighting. You can achieve much better results with just allowing...
Something which I would need to learn to do. Thanks for the enlightenment.
i-phone - one of the worst cancers nowadays. In my country it's very expensive. They can save money for 3 months to buy this sh*t and they still do this cause their 6 is old and they NEED to have 7th.
brain washed by marketing
Choose to be happy! Don't worry be happy! 😄❤
That's the awesome review on life @nomad-magus..I think most person are enjoying this,,
Some are taking this as a profession,,Because it is the time of internet..
As like they are fight with the time,,LOL
you are very optimistic about humans...
Certainly, having the right perception of life and dealing with reality is more important than fighting the unnecessary battles.
Hey, @nomad-magus your post and photo is simply amazing.thanks for share this post.
A great topic to be discussed upon. We should never fight life, live it , embrace it and enjoy it.
Always be thankful and Happy in what you have and enjoy the little moments in life.
yes i agree with you
very good idea talented man.
you alright sir @nomad-magus. do not let your dream enforce you therefore you have no time to enjoy and to thankful every thing you have got in your life. tahnks for sharing.
Well... This is really greate qoute.... "enjoy your life". The picture have been teach us anything of this article....
I like your post, let me resteem your post
After I read The Secret book and I agree what is expressed. Even I strongly agree about the mind because the mind can change the world directly. This means that the best thinking is based on a person to achieve what he wants.
Problems with destiny, destiny can not go against the will. It's just fate that can be in fox, how we desire that is achieved. Hopefully it delivered, what we expect in accordance with the desire then conveyed. Thanks you @nomad-magus
the secret eduactes to use the mind. But for the long run it fails.
The weapon to advance oneself the desires that will hope for later
our lives in the world there must be to desire his own " @nomad-mag.
it is true that you say this @Nomad-mag .. tetapih I meran why mind different people in the world @nomad-mag
funny too!!!
Thanks for nice content,,
I take happy, be happy for all of your activities. When happy in active, you will get some spirit to playing steemit.