Hurricane Hanna Updates
Crews are still working on restoring power to 16,000 homes across the region. AEP Texas, the company in charge of maintaining the electric grid across much of the state estimates are:
- Pharr - Friday July 31 by 9 pm
- McAllen - Friday July 31 by 9 pm
- Mission - Friday July 31 by 9 pm
Service restoration has been hampered by flooded areas that make it unsafe for lifts and other equipment to operate.
Meanwhile, the weather forecast calls for more rain today. Consequently, there are still flash flood warnings. But, that should be the last of it. We will resume our regularly scheduled program of sun and heat.
Municipalities continue to pick up storm debris left out on curbsides to help with the storm cleanup. This is a service provided to residents free of charge.
Residents are reminded to eliminate anything that can act as a container for standing water to prevent the proliferation of mosquitoes.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott has flown over the four counties of south Texas affected by Hurricane Hannah to assess the damage.
Hidalgo County reports 64 deaths, bringing the total up to 531. New cases are 339 bringing the total to 16,088. Total recovered are 8,107.
COVID Testing is still underway. Raymondville and Weslaco are having mobile testing where people drive up. No appointment necessary.
Could not find updates for Cameron County or Starr County.
Other News
Early voting has been expanded to give people more time to vote.
School districts are continuing to prepare for resumption of classes in September.
That's all for today.