Day one the immutable Public Blockchain.

in #engrave5 years ago (edited)


This is one of the best and worst days of my life,knowing  the most important thing I could accomplish  is what the current system doesn't allow. 
     In 1970 I was born to a loving family that believed in America , and the American way of life,those days a gone now, nothing but a distant memory. 
     My Father was a Policeman and my Mother took care of our every need. At the age of 6 we moved out of City and into the country side of Central California. My Grandparents would visit us and tell us stories about how you should always do the ( rite) thing, and the golden rule, "Do unto others as they would do unto you. That was a long accepted standard in Amerca,  that is something in the past, that has long since past.
  • And thats why I'm starting this blog and series of Web Plateforms , having this concept in mind; ***

" YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO BE HEARD and your wishes need to be heard, on the record for record.

** In ththe past , thats how business was conducted, a place for the Law to be coducted, on the PUBLIC Square or as I like to say, PUBLICNOTICE.Crypto , the immutable blockchain , your Public Square, your right as an American, on the record, for all to see in the newspaper for yhe PUBLIC RECORD**

Publicly posting your desires, was the right of every American, to broadcast your rights, because every Americans rights Matter

Originally posted on Public Notices on the immutable blockchain. Hive blog powered by ENGRAVE.