Improve User Experience on Your Site For People With Disabilities

in #engrave5 years ago

In today's world, it is imperative that we try as much as pssible to cater to everyone's needs when we are offering a mass service.

On that note, nowadays in some parts of the world it has become commonplace for people with physical/visual disabilities to be pushed aside and uncatered for in every aspect of life.

While that is not morally sound it is usually the easiest course of action to take and which shows the huge lack of empathy that exists in our society today.

This cuts across every facet of life and even into the cyberspace. Most websites do not make special provisions for the visually impaired and physically challenged and funnily enough, not until recently did some countries start passing laws that will help to eradicate this non-chalant attitude.

The most popular of these laws was passed in the US and is known as the ADA Compliance where ADA is short for Americans with Disabliities Compliance.

ADA compliance laws provides that every website on the internet within the jurisdiction of the United States has to make provisoons for disabled people to be able to use this website. Failure to comply with this act brings a risk of getting sued for negligence.

How then can you make your site usable for challeged people? i have a WordPress solution to that.

Using a WordPress plugin called accessiBe, you can easily ceate a solution for this.

accessiBe is an AI powered WordPress plugin that improves the accessibility of your WordPress website and also helps with other key features such as page load speed and design generally.

Here are a few things that accessiBe can help you with

  • Adherence to laid down rules regarding accessibility on your website
  • Automation of accessibility

You can find and install accessiBe through this link. It's a worthy addition to any WordPress website, niche regardless.

Originally posted on WP Tipper. Steem blog powered by ENGRAVE.