I need to tell you that this visit was not done for pleasure, but that I was doing a TV report with my work group, this corresponded to one of the chairs of my study, to be more specific to Television Production (a of my favorites), but of course after fulfilling our university commitments we took a few minutes for some photographs in the beautiful place that God and nature give us. Here are the following:

In the background you can see the beautiful and imposing hills of San Juan, these are a limestone system formed by the deposition of marine sediments.
These rocks rise to a height of 1,060 meters, this tourist site is used to go climbers and reach the top of this rock, also many San Juaneros have taken the audacity to also reach the top despite how dangerous it can be be the way
When you reach the highest point of the hill you will find the lighthouse, this was created by Juan Vicente Gómez with the purpose of guiding the incipient Venezuelan aviation on its way to Maracay.
During the recording scenes of our report we took moments to laugh without stopping when we were supposed to be serious (which is very difficult being with my companions), part of these recordings were taken for the Making of (after camera).
Beside me my partner Nilka Ron @nvron, classmate and also from this community.
In the company of great companions.
And the one that can not be missed, the famous selfie with everyone present.
Photographs taken with Sony digital camera.
I hope you have liked a lot of friends.
Bellos los Morros..
Asi es :D
Me encanta el llano, tuve la oportunidad de comerme unos sabrosos chicharrones en esa ciudad. Gracias por la información amigo. Saludos.
Que bueno q hayas tenido la oportunidad amigo jajaja Saludos y bendiciones.
muy buenas fotos amigos, san juan de los morros, recuerdos... saludos desde Colombia amigo
Gracias amigoo, gracias por tu saludo, igualmente!
excelente bro , te recomiendo cuando uses fotos de estos bellos paisajes colocar la etiqueta fotografía , saludos...
Gracias hermano y gracias por la recomendación
Excelente fotos amigo @manueljosecb, buen trabajo. Saludos ; )
Gracias por comentar amigo.
Muy bonita historia amigo y tus fotografías están muy buenas, sigue así. La madre naturaleza es increíble :)
Gracias amigo, asi es.
Muy bonito
Gracias men.
Beautiful pictures of the mountain and you have some nice friends to share it with you. :o)
thak you my friends
hello I hope you can do Reestemit Regards