For all of us, life corresponds to a challenge, which we face through the habits we use every day to be better people and to achieve success too. However, not all the habits we have are good, it is even necessary to analyze them to determine if those we use are correct.
One of those bad habits we tend to use sometimes is to leave things incomplete or in half, habit that tends to affect not only our destiny or our progress, but also becomes a serious problem for our emotional health to extremes of wanting abandon everything we started in life.

Challenges, goals and objectives are the material representation of everything that we long to achieve inside, of everything we dream of achieving and that become difficult as we move forward in life, little by little they are abandoned halfway by people who are It becomes routine to use this bad habit.
Serious problem that we all go through at some point in our lives (sometimes on several occasions), consists in wanting to abandon the path towards what we want, propose and trace as one of our goals in life, for reasons of tiredness or to believe impossible achieve it
It is even more exhausting to leave things half done than to finish them even if we are tired, since not only have you lost the time previously invested without having taken fruit, but you must also start from scratch that task, task or purpose that you already you had planned to culminate, in the end you would waste the most important resource in our lives, time.

In the midst of such situations we forget that everything that will really be worthwhile in our lives, are the things that are difficult to achieve, those that require a great effort from us to be able to finish them. Remember readers, nothing is impossible in this life and less if you have the real determination to achieve it.
I will present a case of the real life of this server @danielct, which represents for now in one of the biggest challenges in his life has faced.
That challenge consisted in his moment (2011-2015), in Graduate of the Simón Bolivar University of Venezuela. Challenge that at first took as one more in life, unimportant and with the purpose of expanding the mind looking for diversity of opportunities.
The race was Customs Administration, which little by little aroused his interest as the journey progressed.
The real challenge was not only the complexity of the race, even though it is a really demanding university, but he also had to overcome the long journey from his home to his classroom every day (3 hours approximately and the same time). return), journey from Miranda State to Vargas State, which in addition to several buses included metro and railroad.
It will be hard to believe that it lasted most of his career in that round trip, where many times his mind passed "I can not anymore".
However, companions and family members as well as that endless desire to achieve something that was increasingly painted as impossible, served as the driving force behind the end of the race that had already begun, which had also spent so much time and effort .
In conclusion this server that today you all know as @danielct culminated his studies in the face of adversity, and is currently a professional from his country.

And what you intend to bring before you is that message of encouragement that is always necessary at the moment we think we can not do any more and we think that the only option is to throw in the towel after having fought so hard to get where we are.
Finally, it is very important to clarify certain ways to avoid leaving things half-hearted. The main one of them revolves around the constancy that we ourselves use in life, because we like it or not to be successful we must finish everything we started.

Another measure involves dividing our attention into various activities, which serve as a stimulus to complete them all, avoiding mental, physical and emotional exhaustion by having the focus of attention in only one.
And the third most important, is not to lie to oneself, not completing the tasks that we propose, will not generate backwardness or badly on others but in ourselves, so it is convenient to leave aside the laziness because of what otherwise frustration and the feeling of not progressing will be present continuously in our lives.
Having the principle of finishing things is what will greatly help us to advance as people.

Special thanks to all of you for taking a little of your valuable time to read this post with great enthusiasm.