5 Photographic mistakes that you should avoid!

in #english7 years ago (edited)

There are some problems and mistakes in photography that are commonly produced for new photographers, as well as for the more experienced.

Here we have the most relevant aspects taken and adapted from page https://clubdefotografia.net/10-errores-fotograficos/, according to my experience in photography, which we must learn and manage, in order to perfect our practice in this area. In the text I include some comments as a complement to the consulted text.

There is nothing wrong with making mistakes, in fact it is the best way to learn and improve those things that did not turn out so well. Everything is a matter of experience and practice.

Here I will leave some of the most common mistakes that should be improved if you want to be a better photographer:

Overexposed Images

Credits: http://fotgrafiadigital.blogspot.com/2011/08/imagen-sobreexpuesta-o-subexpuesta.html

If the photograph is too bright and lacks details, then it is overexposed. This means that there is an excess of light that reaches the sensor. This makes the image can not be appreciated well by the excess of brightness.

Overexposure can be particularly bad on very sunny days or with light-colored objects. To correct this, you can try to underexpose the image by selecting -0.5 or -1 to keep more details.

Underexposed images

Credits: https://photocity2011.wordpress.com/2011/06/04/fotografiassubexpuesta/

An underexposed image is one that is too dark because there was not enough light reaching the sensor when the image was taken.

If we see on the screen of the camera that an image looks too dark and underexposed, we can try to open the diaphragm to allow more light to reach the sensor. We can also adjust the exposure by selecting the '+' sign to add more light, increase the ISO value, or choose a slower shutter speed.

Excess of Noise

Credits: https://www.fotografiaesencial.com

The digital noise are those anti-aesthetic small spots in the image.

The higher the ISO the more noise appears, and the more the image is enlarged the more you can see the noise. Nighttime images are more prone to noise because the camera strives to record everything in detail.

To reduce noise, we must use the largest value of the image quality and always use a tripod to be able to choose the lowest ISO setting without causing blurring.

Moved or Defocused images

Credits: Hypertextual

One of the main complaints of fans of photography is that their images have been blurred or moved.

The simple answer to this problem is that there is not enough light reaching the sensor, so the camera can not take a clear image.

There are several ways to solve this problem, such as the use of a tripod or a monopod (very necessary in low light conditions), choosing a higher ISO setting, a faster shutter speed or the use of flash.

@conideas tip: The tripod will be your best friend when taking photos. If you have the possibility of buying it, do it, it will be a great help for everything.

Strange Colors

Credits: https://www.flickr.com/photos/maxwellgs/3766049415/

In the digital image we can use the White Balance settings to deal with this problem. You can select the "Auto" option for your camera to automatically balance the white balance or make your own custom white balance (you can practice this option until you achieve it).

For example, an indoor photograph tends to look orange because the incandescent bulb emits "warm" or orange / yellow light. The tungsten setting is designed for these cases and what it does is add blue to balance.

These are some of the main problems when taking pictures, but as I said before, everything is a matter of practice, practice and more practice.

Let me know your opinion and if you would like to see more post like this one!

Until next time...


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Thank you for your comment and advice, I will take your recommendations into account.

The most relevant aspects were taken for a photographer who is starting, however all aspects are important. This information was taken and adapted from the https://clubdefotografia.net page.