Propaganda 101; Iranian commander speaks with Times about targeting the US and for others to "steer clear", TImes translates to "Iran wil kill UK troops"

in #england5 years ago

The misleading Times article has by now been wrongfully copied and published by several other English media, with each one adding more lip to it then the other.

Who would have thought that the country who illegally and against all forms of int law has arrested and imprisoned an award winning journalist, attacked media outlets they didn't like (Sputniknews, RT) and raided a domestic news office after they published the Snowden story, would do such a thing?
Of course they wouldn't, after all, they held a clown and pony show called "global conference on media freedumb", everything is A-OK. ;)

This gross and utterly misleading type of "journalism" has even caught the attention of the Iranian ambassador to England

I guess Johnson and co. informed the media establishment that they will need to gear the English people up for (another) war in which they are practically the only European nation to bow to US pressure. Till now, English politicians have been the only ones in all of Europe to support US murdering of the Iranian and Iraqi commanders in Baghdad.

"Independence" eyyh?