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RE: How To Set Up A Hive Engine Witness- Step By Step Guide

in #engine • 4 years ago

A couple adds to this one...


Add proper tools 🤣

sudo apt install vim nmon -y

Secondly... if you happen to have in-house disks, use LVM stuff, divide your DB through several disks (in case you have them) to optimize for IO and bandwidth at the same time. Note, that if you can maintain a separate disk for the OS, then that's even better. SSDs are expensive when you are talking about several TB of storage.

Also... if you have lots of memory, you can create a script to restore the db in memory (using a ramfs) and then shutdown the DB and copy it to disk. Saves a lot of time for big databases.

Great work @rishi556 =)

Note2... DB is quite OK for me... the problem of maintaining this kind of transactions is the FS snapshots I usually use to roll back once I have a problem.

Still having a good "try" on this... as the weekend went caput...


Ugh vim. Get that garbage out my face. My laptop defaults crontab to vim and I always forget and so when I try and do some nano stuff it doesn't work.


Yeah... I blame old systems that didn't have any other editors as default, besides vi, and hence I had to master or face the consequences of spending extra hours fixing stuff.

nmon is cool though... Nigel (the IBM guy that built it) did very well in not allowing IBM to continue marketing the tool in a close project.