this contest amazes me. The people here inspire me to not only do a better job but to support others . I have engaged with almost everyone on the list in one form or another . ( I did not appreciate the flags) I have grown in my own right because of all of you .
Those of you who made the top 20 my congratulations and for all on the list my gratitude .
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Oohhh...Do I sense a rival lol! The first time I knew this contest, it made me happy that finally my engagement is being rewarded. It such fun to get to know others here.
I do give a poke in fun once in awhile . :)
The contest has improved my engagement and points out areas that need work . But most important , I have meet some great people of like mind who work to improve the platform . And like you said " It such fun to know others here"
Man was I surprised that I hit the top Lvl 1 list
Congratulations @wolfhart! This contest does get you all fired up right?! :)
yes it does .
84317 CL 1733 votes 457 UV aaahhhh come on
BTW who made the top list , who ,, who LOL
Man did you do great . Well done , very well done . its people like you who inspire me
hahaha who indeed!!
Thank you for the kudos. I appreciate it :)
So, what's this about flags? Or is that something you don't really want to discuss here? Which is fine. I'm not into the giving of flags (at least not he way that it can happen, rather indiscriminately), so I'm always interested to hear what happens to people out there.
I did get a hugh flag . It was removed and we since have had very good engagement . Its was a misunderstanding and after things got worked out it turned out great in the long run . Funny how thing can work with just a little communication . especially when we communicate with people who speak different languages . As it was in that case
Okay. I'm glad to hear it got removed and that it actually turned into a good thing. That's awesome. I've experienced the exact same thing, (not the flag, yet, thankfully, but the testiness) even when I'm trying to be broad and general with my phrasing. It's the problem of only having the written word to go off, and that gets compounded by language comprehension, so there you go. :)
It is funny how little communication is necessary. And how little people want to do it on what is mostly a long form platform. Apparently, everyone must love Twitter, because that's exactly what it's like. :)
Yes and I am horrible at the written word . Its is so easy to misunderstand my intent . This is my first social media platform , the learning curve is high .
I suffer when it comes to length of replies or comments :) working on it
Well, I wasn't even thinking of you. I've never had an issue understanding what you say. But I've definitely had problems understanding what some other's 1-3 word answers were meant to mean. It's almost like a code that I'm supposed to know but never learned.
I think you're doing just fine. Comments only need to be long enough to complete the idea. That means they will sometimes be shorter, medium and longer. But things like "Nice post" or "Thanks for sharing" by themselves aren't really comments. Those are spam.
So, no worries. I'm sure the problem was with the other person, not you. :)
You are right, though. The learning curve here is way too high. It definitely needs to be flattened out.
Thanks that means a lot . I work real hard at expressing my point . Its a lot better than 2 months ago :)
The short comments I agree with you .