got the stencil made just have to draw it on the cast .
I can't wait to see it too
oooh no the dog just ate my cast
Teacher here , APPLE ?
got the stencil made just have to draw it on the cast .
I can't wait to see it too
oooh no the dog just ate my cast
Teacher here , APPLE ?
hahaha I did get the occasional apple, but the kids who were really in trouble always brought me coffee and a treat lol
OOOHHH hell I better up my game . after the seagrams in the 7up bottle with the foam around it incident , my chair was butted up against the side of the teacher desk lol funny days
hahaha used to be my favorite drink :)
My "incident" in high school was a bottle rolling out of my locker and smashing on the hallway floor :) I was a terrible high school student, so why did I become a teacher? Because all of mine except one were awful and so I figured I could do a much better, I knew all the tricks :)
kids will be kids then we grow up