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RE: 🏆 The Curation and Engagement Leagues 🏆

in #engagement6 years ago

I have a question. I haven’t upvoted myself ever, yet it I have 6 SV. I am on trails and wonder if that is where it’s coming from. Is there anyway to make sure I don’t have a self vote.Mornin’@abh12345. Thanks for all the statistics and congrats to the winners!


My pleasure :)

Ahh yes, the trail self-vote. A common problem for EL members.

You can always remove the votes later, but better for your VP and $ would be to not cast them in the first place.

Can I ask what your trail is that you follow? With 600 SP, I think at present your vote might be better cast manually. But it is your choice of course :)

My VP is always hanging below 50 usually at 44. I’m not sure of all the trails I’m on but seems to be a lot. Steem connect seems to be using my vote I thought I cancelled but didn’t make a difference in my vp.
I would like to cancel the trails and start fresh. Not sure how.

I try to keep my VP above 80 and although I do have a few friends set up on autovote (including you) I don't follow any trails. I like to make my own voting decisions. Do you use Autovoter to follow the trails?

Thanks Melinda. I need to get my vp under control and do the auto vote. I signed up for different trails as I went along but seem to have overdone it. I’m going to check what they are. I think they are with smart steem or steem connect? 😊

Good luck getting it figured out. Maybe someday when I'm an orca or a whale I will do a voting trail! 😂

Melinda, do you know of going through something like Steem Connect let the apps use my auto voting. I can’t uncheck it.
This comes up when i go to, for e.g, Steem Bounty in order to access it.

I do not think that is why you are on voting trails. @abh12345 can give you better advice on how to find which trails you are on.