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I also ride the struggle bus trying to type on my phone ...but on my laptop, I clock at ~100 wpm. But I still haven't typed that many comments as the top ranks!
Anyway, I'm not complaining, as I landed on a lucky number too this week!
I am the #13 sponsor, so I'll send your SBI share once I'm on the laptop instead of the phone, lol. Congrats on such a good score!

Posted using Partiko Android

Haha I didn't realise there was an actual bus! When's my stop to get off? ๐Ÿ˜‚ yea I'm in the heat of battle with a mini contest with @foxyspirit too using Partiko and my thumbs have never typed so much either lol!

100 words a minute... That's insane! Unless it's the word "a"... I might have a chance lol!

Ah so you picked a number last week and it came out of the hat?

Posted using Partiko Android

I dunno, I think it's like the Speed bus and if it even slows down, we're all gonna die... ;)
If you mean the sponsoring a number, no, I just chose to sponsor #13 and told Asher, so every week I give an SBI share to whomever ranks 13th in the league!
If you mean I landed on a lucky number, no, someone else sponsors #25 and that's where I ranked this week. :D

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh no, we can't slow down and die, not yet anyway! Maybe the steem engagement bus is a little less explosive? ๐Ÿ˜

Ah so each week you give 1 sbi to whoever finishes in position 13. Nice additional touch ๐Ÿ˜€ I might get involved in that as well

Posted using Partiko Android

OK, we won't explode, we'll just ...hardfork and the site will go down for a day. LOL
Yes, exactly, re: the SBI shares and the lucky numbers. :D

Lol well maybe an implosion instead ๐Ÿคฃ

Posted using Partiko Android

Your SBI has been sent! :)
engagement 13_probably 15 at this point I didn't snap a few.PNG

Ah awesome thank you @phoenixwren! ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ™

Posted using Partiko Android

You're welcome! :)

Oh gawd, let alone typos. I used to have one guy correct me all the time in a very German way. I wanted to scream 'ITS NOT THAT I CANT SPELL OR USE APOSTROPHES ITS JUST I CANT BE BOTHERED'... but I kept a lid on it and ignored him til he went away.

Posted using Partiko Android

Well contained, I can see the steam coming out of your ears as you tried to keep it all together with the German guy๐Ÿ˜‚

Posted using Partiko Android

Hahahah yep. God love em, but sheesh.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes they can be a little "direct" at times hey? ๐Ÿ˜

Posted using Partiko Android