I wrote a post about this, right? You can pick your friends but you can't pick your nicknames. :)
Sad thing is, I was really trying to up my comment count, which I did, but it came at the expense of the character count, which wasn't so good. Made it much closer than I like it to be. Plus, I'm trying to get up to 50,000 points, not keep dropping. So, whatever my strategy was last week has to change for this week, or it's only going to get worse.
I am glad to be a part of these leagues, and I'm glad that I could set the standard a little higher. Maybe I'll move it some more. Maybe not. Meeting my match could come sooner than later. And I probably won't see it coming, even if I am swiveling as fast as I can. :)
You did and I remember it well... I like the new nickname though, and your abbreviate is IF.. :P
And I haven't payed as much attention to your strategy, but you are definitely setting the bar higher... I love that you have been able to maintain that level for a solid month.
I do think you need to stay on your toes as #2 and #3 are new and climbing fast, and both of them are very competitive as I saw during the Play 4 a Newbie Challenge
I can see they're pretty competitive just by the number of comments and the CL. Well, it wouldn't be the first time I guess. Just got to keep plugging along and see what happens. Not sure I know how else to do this.
My strategy was to try and comment more this week, since I've been hovering mostly in the range of high 200s to low 300s. This time I commented more than I ever have, but the CL was lower than it has been in weeks. So, apparently, I let that slip trying to comment more. Need to find that happy balance between the two. One kind of drives the other, it seems.
IF, hunh? Not sure if that quite works, but maybe I can come up with a scenario where it does. Here comes IF. Hide! I don't know. I'll work on it.
lol... IF is what we all have to compete against. If we want to win, then we need to be better than IF. The IF is very strong, so we need to either up our game if we want to be the IF, or we need the IF to get weaker or bored.
Not sure it works yet either, but I will keep at it until I find a way to make it stick.
Because that is, after all the important part: Making IF stick. :)
lol... I have a feeling that IF is going to live up to that nickname! And while I didn't name it, I'm happy to promote it! :)