I figured since I decreed we should all go get our favorite Mexican food to eat to celebrate our individual rankings that I should also do it myself.
Since there's no easy way to append this, I'm making a new comment. If you decide to eat Mexican food and want to share it with me/us, I guess you can make another comment here, or reply to this one. If you make your own comment, please tag me so I'm sure to see your comment.
In decreeing this, I was really hoping my wife would be available to cook on her days off, but that's not going to happen until Sunday, which would be next week. So, instead, I broke down and bought some Mexican food at what I consider to be the best all around Mexican restaurant nearest to me.
Here's what I ate:
The House Special Burrito, looking a little sad because it took me a while to get home so I could eat it. :)
This is called the House Special Burrito. I had them make mine with shredded beef, and it comes with rice and beans and salsa on the inside with sour cream and guacamole draping the outside.
It was very tasty, just like I remembered it. The only thing I didn't remember was feeling so full after eating it.
I also got orchata, or a rice milk drink with cinnamon. It was also good. :)
So far, we have @leeart who showed the Nachos she ate, and me. Still waiting to see what the rest of you come up with. No pressure though. It's just for fun if you can. :)
Looks like a Friday night take-out dish!
I'm a fan of Indian food and so may have to bend the rules slightly and post a picture up next time I indulge.
'Buen provecho' as they say over here!
Hey, it's your page and post. You get to bend the rules. No one else, though. Okay, just kidding.
Funny thing is, now my wife's talking about having tacos, so I might actually have more Mexican food pictures before Saturday. She's good at changing her mind, though, so I'm not holding my breath. :)