Hey, @abh12345.
Unbelievable. Somehow I made the list with 27 comments. There must be more people at STEEMFest than I thought. :)
Kinda light on the engagement on the post, too. Sigh. Well, we'll hope everyone recovers and returns home soon so that we can get to proper business around here. I also hope it was worth the time and expense to go to Thailand.
As in, some awesome above the hood things that we don't already know about start popping up on the blockchain because someone did some serious networking. :)
Let's see. What else can I get in trouble by the powers that be for saying? :)
Nah. I got nothing. :)
Okay, well, have a good week, Asher. Thanks for trying to keep the engagement going around here. Someone needs to do it. :)
Onward and upward.
Hi Glen, thanks for stopping by :)
Well sadly, I don't think we can use Steem Fest as an excuse for the drop in commentary, but I would like to see the numbers move up again this next week when they are home again. 27 comments from you is 5/10 of many though, and i'm not just talking character count :)
Thanks, I will continue as always - not long until a full calendar year of EL posts.