re: mrchef111
Is this another @themanwithnoname recruit? Oh, great. I better watch out then. I'm not sure who else you've helped get here, but I'd say you have a decent track record. Asher was saying Dave recruited something like 100? Is that true?
re: walking/running
Nutrients to joints, eh. Well, I probably could stand some more nutritional joints. Just in case the thing that's chasing me wants to eat me, too.
re: thinking vs TV
Hmmm. I would think if such is the case, if you watched 8 hours of television straight it would equate to more or less the same thing. What you should try though is combining the two. Sleeping and watching TV. Watch those calories burn.
re: Third spot
I feel ya. It's tough getting anywhere in the Top 3. It feels like that third spot has a lot of competition. Well, you do what you got to do. If it's too much work to get there, then it's probably not worth the extra STEEM.
I mean 4-5 STEEM for what I'm doing isn't technically "worth it" but it's all relative at the end of the week and I've managed to scrape together maybe $3 from posts and comments. Unless curie shows up. And she has. Otherwise, though, dribs and drabs.
re: villain ensemble
Yeah, so a monocle over the good eye and the patch over the other. Or, I could put the monocle over the eye patch. Then have the cape, squiggly mustache and thin beard. I forgot to mention the mustachio the first go around, but I'll need that, too :)