This week my average comment length is 227. Up from 156 last week.
@abh12345 is there a hard cut off moment for each weeks query? I mean is it always the data for precisely 7 days? For example from Sunday until Saturday? Or does it just depend on what time you start on Sunday?
@everyone, any requests for data analysis in the coming few days?
Are you on a keyboard yet or still thumbing away? 😁
There is no hard cut off, I do try for around the same time each week, but this one is later than usual.
How many different people you interacted with last week - what about that for a scorable metric?
Hey, @abh12345. You asked me as similar thing elsewhere. Is what you're asking similar to what we had before with CE? Can't remember what you called it, but you replaced whatever it was with CR. I actually liked that previous metric. The question is, though, what would you be replacing? If you're adding another column to do it, I'd say, go for it. If you're replacing another column, I would just suggest that it not be C, CR, or CL, since I think all of those are part of the true engagement equation already. :)
Hey, yes i was looking at adding a column and not removing any.
I'm wondering if it's fair to stick a score on unique persons chatted to, perhaps with a minimum character length?
With a minimum CL, eh? Hmmm. 50 characters, maybe? 100? If you go too much higher than that, a lot of comments are going to get wiped out in this new metric. :)
The metric would be just against comments to unique authors, to stop the 'nice post' earning value. 50/100 chars sounds reasonable to me.
Okay. So, are you planning to add that as a new stat this week? Or are you still thinking about it. I guess it doesn't matter, I'll do what I can regardless. :)
Sounds like a brilliant plan to add.
I can admit myself that the only week I really went for a top10 ranking I did post a few useless comments with a smiley or very short text. I think it would be fair to kill those or give them a lower number of points.
@abh12345 tag, which causes that I only have to write one comment to share my opinion.
In contrary of you I am swiping instead of typing. And all the metrics I count manual. So counting the number of different people I interacted with is almost impossible. As that would cost me a lot of time. And if I do that same count for Janton then my week is over.
If you send me the plain data in Excel then I can do such a post 😀
About swiping I wonder how many signs I can do on average per minute? Funny thing is that I thought about this before numerous times, but so far I'm clueless about how to test it?
Probably very simple by writing a comment like this. Use a stopwatch to time how long it takes. Next I count the number of characters. And voila, only a simple calculation to finish and determine how many characters per minute I can swipe.
At this moment I guess it's close to 100 characters per minute. That's at least what I always use to calculate how much time I spend each week in writing comments. So this week it was something like 4-5 hours.
Yes please, I would like to see the number of different people are being commented with. Over 1000 comments by Janton, lots of people with hundreds, are we talking to the same people a lot or spreading it out or whats the distribution on that?
Thank you for asking ;p
I'm talking to a huge number of different people, as many as I can find and who will talk to me.
Me too! But is that more or less? How is that relative to the number of total comments we posted? This guy wants to dig into the stats, well I'm a stats man and am handy with a suggestion, though hopefully not heavy-handed ;p
good morning sir @ecoinstant! I don't know what is more or less but I'm so thankful that you guys who are analysts and numbers guys are here to figure things out and do the heavy mental lifting, I'm just having fun talking to people! I have answered questions which @crypto-econom1st asked me but I don't have any stats so my answers probably didn't help him. I guess I need to start writing everything down and keep track of my Steemit hours but that sounds a little too much like work! lol. God bless!
God Bless you Jonboy! I'm finding threads that I have forgotten about in my reply feed.
Keeping track of hours does sound like it would turn a hobby into a job! Of course everyone wants to know, but what I am wondering and testing is how many hours it will take to beat you!
I bet you are a fast typer, with a comfortable chair. That's how I envision it at least.
haha! I keep telling everyone how to beat me! ha! that's so funny because there are so many things working against me, like my in and out internet connection, my very slow typing ability, I don't have an office chair just an uncomfortable metal folding chair which the back just fell out of it a couple days ago,
plus I take a long time to put any thoughts together and when i do they don't flow well because I'm not a writer, blogger or author and it doesn't flow for!
I tell people that if they have a good connection, are a fast typist and have alot of contacts on here or friends then they can beat me fairly easy.
I even tell them that if they need me to I will ask them tons of questions, forcing them to write long comments, or if they are running behind I'll stay up all night on Fri or Sat to help them build their CL!
I have no secrets, I'm about as mediocre as you can get! unfortunately, I wish I was this big writer or something.
I must believe you are getting better! I, over the last year, have noticed a marked improvement in my writing, photography, commenting and confidence - this I believe is all from interacting here on Steem!
You now are training your competition, but it is so enjoyable to chat with people, like minds, interested, intriguing, from different places, doing different but sometimes similar things.
I will have a comfy chair the week that I achieve victory, of that I am working towards!
If you really want to help your competitors you should stop these long conversations 😋😩
Just kidding of course. But if you have 5-10 of these conversations per week that also helps a bit on your total interactions.
hey @ecoinstant! Welcome to the engagement league (or party, whichever you prefer). At least I think you're newer. It's hard to tell who's been around and who's not sometimes.
I think the idea here is to measure engagement, of which, the sheer number of comments is only part of the equation. If it were just about the number of comments, then there wouldn't be a reason for the rest. That's why the second level replies and the character length columns exist. So, Asher is wondering if there are more ways to measure engagement that will give us all a better sense of what we're actually doing and accomplishing.
He used to have a column for CE, which I can't remember right now the exact term, but it had something to do with the amount of comments on other people's posts. It got replaced by CR, or the second level replies. So, now it sounds like he's entertaining the idea of bringing something similar to that back.
I'm new around these parts, just one month since I started paying attention to these tables and just my second week on the board.
I'm thinking something like C/U, or comments per unique user. Just a thought, maybe it doesn't count for anything on the official scores but I'd love to see the data.
Once I get around to it I'd love to dig through the sql dbase with r, maybe one day!
It sounds like abh12345 might be doing something like that. It's late where he is, so I don't expect he's around to confirm, but it sounds like we may end up with an additional column, which means a different results in points, as early as this week.
Great to meet you Glen! I see you too vie for that top spot, and take the cake on comment length ;p
I'm affraid I can't research that data. As I have to do everything manually and I just can't check thousands of comments.
Ah yes, don't dip into that stuff with manual mode! I still quite look forward to your overview review post, so will be checking that out this week!
I agree I would love to see distribution. I personally have been working to widen my circle while keeping a high level with existing network.
I have been enjoying your posts on the topic. Will keep any eye out in case you do more.