The 201 most prolific commentators on the Steem Blockchain (2018)

in #engagement7 years ago (edited)

Yes, it's mostly bots and automated replies, but there are some humans here too and they deserve much credit.


A wise Steemian once said

That engagement is the key to success on on the Steem Blockchain. In my opinion however, this is only partly true and this depends on a few things, which include:

  • How early you got here (Check the lack of engagement on the consistently highly paid authors)
  • How awesome and unique your content is in the eyes of the Whales (they are generally aiming for the best to promote Steemit to the world)
  • How many followers you bring from other social media (no comment)
  • And how big your SP balance is (Low SP, no circle jerky + paid promotion for you)

If, like many of us, you arrived in the past year, produce decent but not world beating content, didn't bring 100,000 YouTube subscribers, and don't have 100,000 USD or more to invest, then it is likely that you are currently taking the slow Steem train to your desired destination.

This is fine, isn't it? Expect nothing and if you start there then anything else is a bonus, right?

I accept the above, this is how it is - lots of people, lots of content, not that many sizable votes going around.

And so for the majority, one of the key elements in obtaining your goals faster is your level of engagement. agree also. What was once 'Money Talks', has now thankfully changed to:


'Money Talks', I'm so glad that's been changed, sheeesh!

And so, with that being said, who's actually trying to make their voice worth something?

The top 201 commentators in 2018

Are a bunch of ****ing bots!

Ok that's not totally true as we shall see in a moment, but the majority of accounts on this list do produce automated replies and content.

The jury is out as to just how much of this content is just wasting Block space and serving little purpose - although that could be said of some of my content at times too :p

If you are on this list and typed your comments manually, please make yourself known in the comments below so:

  • We can all give you a virtual pat on the back and an upvote
  • You can promote yourself to everyone that visits this page
  • I can add you to my followers, consider delegating Steem Power to you, and just generally admire you from a far
AccountRepComment CountComment Characters

Recognise anyone 'real'?

I'm happy that I do!

Hello friends, #stewardsofgondor, writers of epic comments, and people who already have some of my Steem Power delegated to them - I count 4 of you :D :D :D :D

Stay awesome!


Does the list worry you?

Do you think if I run this query again in 6 months time it will be without 'human' accounts?

Thanks for your time

Asher @abh12345

EDIT: Post 'promoted' so more people see the excellent people below.

There are 2 pages

woah, i'm super honored to be on this list!! being on for a little over 2 months, i learned early on that steemit is all about relationships!

also, we are all producing such good content (well, at least i focus on those who are) and who likes to see their posts sit without great comments?! steemit is by far the best social media site i've been on for quality of comments and meaningful engagement.

as i read when i was a girl and it stuck with me to this day

She who refreshes others will herself be refreshed.

Always love your charts and data. Let's get more humans on that list by next year :) <3 Thanks @abh12345(67 with the rep score LOL!)!

Wow!! Two months? You earn my little cents. Its not big but may get you chewing gum.

hahaha thanks @lordjames!! i appreciate the support :)

You'll afford one whole toothpick with mine xD..

Scrolling down I noticed you there and was going to comment that you are a real entity!


Well done you ~ reckon you must be a demon commenter.


haha thank you! well i'm certainly not a bot, what i am remains to be seen :)


thanks @ldacey-laforge. i reckon my commenting may slow down as spring hits and my energies are more in the soil and in the rivers... but it's been really fun enjoying steemit this winter!! <3

Im trying to get like you one day lol

Well done to you, a fine start to Steemit!

Thank you for your support and encouragement for me to spend this time looking at numbers :)

Give this man an upvote!

:) ummm. Mountain Jewel is a lady.

😉 too funny! Truth be told i was perplexed too!!

Really appreciate the link here from your post Rob 💖

hahah people think we're a man all the time.
we're actually a duo, lady & gent, and mountain jewel is our homestead <3

although i (wren, the lady) do most of the commenting ;)

thank you! <3

Bravo! Great work. Well done!

well done you , its all about the engagement :-)

Awesome to see you on the list here!! Nice work! Well deserved super crisp High 5 @mountainjewel 🌸💖

I'm on the list but I write all of my own comments; as well as UPvote and curate every single one.

HONORED beyond words to be on this list! I see some AWESOME members here and to be in the ranks with them... WOW!

Thank you @abh12345 for again gathering all the information and sharing with us!!

I knew you'd be on the list, flipping awesome :D

So many Stewards and accounts I recognise too! My pleasure as always!

Give this lady an upvote!

Oh thank you!!! You're always so thoughtful!

It would would suprise me if you weren't! I know and I was one of those that changed my life because you inspired me to engage more.

Oh thank you for saying that! When someone says things like that to me, it really makes me smile (from deep within).

You've been a solid inspiration for so many members here yourself. From your steemfamilyph and all the others people you have enveloped and guided!

Definate cudos Asher! And, to you Golden Dawn!!! Love how you make the steem shine 🌱🌻

Woo hoo! I'm excited to be on this list and happy to say that every single one of my comments was done by hand.

Shortly after arriving here I saw that I would get more response from commenting on others posts than by posting my own, although I've been doing that too.

It's pretty sad to see so many bots in that list but I've just come out of a Steemit funk so I'm not going to dwell on it and go back there again.

This has made my day and validated what I have been doing here (along with all the great conversations I've been having and fun and interesting people I've met) since joining last December.

At the end of last week I was seriously questioning if I wanted to continue here and made my first dtube video and talked about why I was feeling so discouraged.

As always, some lovely followers came out in support which helped.

I took a step back for a few days to reassess why I'm here and then had a long conversation this morning with @rimicane who explained about buying delegation to me. That lifted a load off my shoulders because I was able to see that it was't something I wanted to that's one less thing to consider.

Anyway . . . my point is it's the conversations and connections that have kept me going and to see that I'm in the top 201 is a brilliant boost at a time when it it sorely needed.

So . . . thank you so much for compiling this list. I'm going to have a glass (or 2) of wine to celebrate. Yay me!!!!! 😁

Congratulations, @gillianpearce! You really deserve this. :)

Thank you @glenalbrethsen. 😊

way to @gillianpearce, your hard work is paying off ;D <3

It is indeed @mountainjewel. Thank you! 💙

Hi @gillianpearce

Steemit is tough going at times, much effort for little reward but as you say:'s the conversations and connections that have kept me going and to see that I'm in the top 201 is a brilliant boost at a time when it it sorely needed.

Thank you for sticking with it and engaging like you do!

Give this woman an upvote!

Thanks @abh12345. I really need to change that black background. I've tried a couple of times without success,😁

Way to go @gillianpearce! I'd say this couldn't have come at a better time for you, and I hope it validates some of your questions you've been having lately :)

You are very right @lynncoyle1. I was already beginning to feel better after taking a step back over the weekend and then having a long real chat yesterday morning with @rimicane. She helped me understand about delegations better so I was able to make an informed decision on that.

Then this turned up this evening. I also noticed that I'm in @abh12345's curation list. I have no idea how I managed that as I still don't understand curation at all so it's definitely more luck than judgement.

I just took another look and I see you won one of the prizes. Well done @lynncoyle1 💙 You obviously get curation better than me.

However, I also noticed that @adh12345 has a bit of a tips list at the top of the post, so If I've got a bit of time this week I might study that and see what I can apply. It might make add to the fun which, as we've said, is what I need at the moment.

Thanks, as always for your support! 😍

I think this list re: curation is simply about the tremendous amount of commenting that you do; that's the kind of list I was on as well...which I think is awesome, because to me, this is all about engagement in your community. The first list (on the post where you saw my name), is about making money with commenting/curation. That's the part I don't usually focus on. But @abh12345's tips are really simple to implement, such as upvoting a post in the first 30 minutes (also a part of curation) can increase your payout from a post. Take the time to check them out though; like I said, they're really easy to implement and it could make a huge difference for you!

Thanks for noticing my name there as well; I appreciate it! You are welcome for the support too...that's what this is all about...people helping people!

Cheers :)

Thanks @lynncoyle1. I started looking at the tips last night but it was a bit late. Hopefully will find time to look at it today. I thought it was better to upvote a post at or after 30 minutes. There's seems to be so much conflicting information around. Also, it seems to depend on how big the poster is and my own VP. When I've looked at it in the past I just ended getting myself tied up in knots. no doubt I'll get it in the end or at least a version of it that works for me! 😁

I'm glad you found his tips worked for you. That means there's more hope for me! 😊

He we can fumble through all of this together and keep telling each other what an awesome job we're doing :)

Well that's easy because I truly do believe you're doing a great job, given what else you're dealing with at the moment! 💙

Great post couple thoughts from a real human, not a robot lol.

  1. I think bots should be allowed for upvoting but commenting and creating content bots should not be allowed and IMHO anyone using them should be downvoted. They add nothing to the platform, they create shitty content, and it's unfair they earn more than people who really do add value and spend time and effort creating content. On the comment front, its' frustrating to see I got a comment, go to engage with the person and realize it's an automated bot content clogging up my comments with nonesense.

  2. Bringing over a Youtube following can be great or kind of a non-event. I came on here with 70,000 Youtube followers and I brought some people over here but few stuck around, most people thought they were spinning their wheels for nothing and didn't really enjoy the content on here. More recently I see hodgetwins and furiouspete comming over here and doing very well. I like both those guys and follow them on Youtube, however honestly I can't say that all their posts deserve teh amount they are earning. I'll see some of them make $300 for a shitty post and then see a great post by someone else make $3. I'll be curious to see if big Youtubers stick around and continue doing well or if people are trying to get them engaged early on with big payouts and hoping they stick around. I have a feeling the next big Youtuber who comes on here will start doing really well and these guys may be tossed aside at which point will be interesting to see if they stick around.

  3. Steemit has way too much gamesmanship going on. It's not about creating good content, it's about getting a circle of powerful people to support you and its about networking. When I read comments about 50% are from bots, 40% are people who skimmed as little of a post as possible while taking in enough to leave a halfway decent content and maybe 10% is actually thoughtful comments from people who actually consumed the content.


I have noticed when someone from YouTube that has a bit of a follow comes over Steemit brings out the red carpet for them. They get massive upvote for little work and over time they don’t invest the time into the platform to get anywhere. Once the massive upvotes stop coming in they seem to slither back over to where they came from. They got away with some easy money but our reward pool just won’t reward them with that $2k every time like they want to make.

They also seem to notice that comment sections here on Steemit are not as bad as the burning trash heap of a comment section their YouTube videos are. So in a way they almost seem hesitant to even want tell anyone they are here. They get to enjoy for a little while not dealing with massive trolls spamming them garbage all day long.

Comment Section

While I do agree with you most people seem to only put in minimal effort. There are some wonderful places here on Steemit to leave and engage in the comments. Find the places here that you enjoy engaging and commenting on. I have a couple I don’t tend to share the places I love as I do not want the people who only post comments to get paid to find them.

It’s a sad but true thing. There are a lot people out there who only comment in places that pay. Those people post comments so fast and so short you wonder why any author would reward them at all when its clear they are just after that upvote without much thought or effort put into it.

There are some people in the list above that do spend a majority of their time enjoying content and commenting to it in a way to create engage tend make friends here. If you have not already joined The Curation Leagues I recommend you checking it out. While spam comments if enough are made can get people high ranking in League 2. There are also a lot of quality commenters there as well.

"...people are trying to get them engaged early on with big payouts and hoping they stick around."

This is a thing. It didn't phase me, cuz I'm not after rewards, but I've seen folks get so excited by their early success that they quit their jobs, and then the letdown afterwards (when the promoters go after the next mark) really left them in a lurch. Kinda sad, but life is a learning experience.

BTW, I'm totally not a robot. I'm just here doing the things we people do, like eating food and hanging out with all my human Steemit friends =p

lovely to see @purepinay in there and @maverickinvictus, Pure especially answers every comment. Whats interesting are the names missing. All the big shots who get people commenting on their $200 posts but cant be bothered replying. I hate that when they get too full of their own importance and forget where their rewards are coming from. @valth is also a lovely person who writes really interesting nature posts.

True a lot of those folks just like writing their piece that is found on twitter with hardly any Engagement in this Platform. They just made it a cashcow with nothing done to further enhance the steem blockchain.

I'm glad you raised this point:

What's interesting are the names missing. All the big shots who get people commenting on their $200 posts but can't be bothered replying.

Aggravating indeed - I don't leave many comments on 'big shot' posts any more for this reason, the best engagement is usually found elsewhere.


So, my vanity has got the better of me, so for my full blown 54% remaining 0.07 upvote, could you give me my position please ? And if you get chance to do a hall of fame bad language list, Id hope for a better showing there. Cheers mate, it's been a load of fun on your blog today :-)

It's a deal :)

Thanks for the idea for the bad language list - i've made a note, cheers!

I’m thankful someone upstairs got the memo we hated “money talks” I left a few comment on that subject alone in how much I hated it. How people were trying to escape in their very own life what a slogan like that implies.

I am shocked I made the list being of manual enjoyer of creating comments. I’ve only once maybe twice had to copy/paste a comment. I was trying to get ahold of a couple of people even then it was not many comments left doing that.

I’ve also been known to spend 30 minutes to an hour(s) on a single comment sometimes. Which creates the issue that by the time I get my thoughts out and onto the blockchain the party has already moved on and/or there already “similar” comments left just in much shorter form!

Thank you for already rewarding me with a follow, delegation, and some kind upvotes. I’m just glad one day I noticed your name like 3 or 4 times on a bunch of peoples blogs that I follow to the point I just had to see what I was missing out on. It turns out a really amazing spot on Steemit.

Commenting is where a large number of my rewards come from in one form or another. Either directly where I’ve had weeks of my comments being major of my rewards. Also indirectly people read my comments so they come over to my blog and toss one of them an upvote. I really wish more people would spend the time to enjoy it.

Far too many just see how some of the early arrivers are being successful and they think they don’t have to put in extra effort to someday get near that. While that can be possible these days you really need go out and comment. People are starting to not be as impressed by a decent upvote.

I’ve had people in the past leave me a couple dollar upvote and then wonder why I did not check out their blog. Well, its because I prefer comment engagement over the money. Don’t get me wrong I love money as well I just don’t want to be engaged in the greed it creates. Rewards come in all sizes and that is something people need to remember.

I’ve also been known to spend 30 minutes to an hour(s) on a single comment sometimes. Which creates the issue that by the time I get my thoughts out and onto the blockchain the party has already moved on and/or there already “similar” comments left just in much shorter form!

Ha ha, I know the feeling. I've worked on comments before and then refreshed the page just to see what changed... all my comments taken. That's also one of the downsides of commenting on pictures is there's only so much you can say. "wow, beautiful, stunning, gorgeous, breath-taking, and OMG." That's about all. If you're not one of the first people to it, then you're working hard to stand out. But I really like commenting on some of them because they're cool authors who will actually respond and talk with you.

At the end of the day, I just do the best I can and see what happens. If I don't get a good conversation out of it this time, I might next time.

Also, you just got another follower from this comment, so there you go. Your process still works. :)

I always struggle to comment on photo/art post that have very few words and congratulations/milestone posts. I end up bringing up the color, the process, what aspect that I liked about the photo that drew me in. Sometimes the photo itself is the story and so I can play around with that a bit. That way they can get an understanding what their audience enjoyed about it.

I just wish people would put a little more writing alongside their wonderful photos. Some insight/details about why this photo was used. Struggles to get the perfect shot. Whatever it be.

Adding writing definitely helps me connect more with it. The image is pretty, but like you said, if they explain the process or give a story about how they got the pictures, it helps me connect more with it. Good insight.

Commenting is where a large number of my rewards come from in one form or another. Either directly where I’ve had weeks of my comments being major of my rewards. Also indirectly people read my comments so they come over to my blog and toss one of them an upvote. I really wish more people would spend the time to enjoy it.

I'm right there with you. Sure I'm not making nearly the rewards as you, but honestly enjoy jumping into a conversation and seeing where it can go. Think that posts shouldn't be viewed as static content and once written all is complete, but rather a starting point to a conversation.

Also have more then a few times written a comment and then after reading it wondered why I didn't just create a post as it was so long. But again, it's about the conversation and if you break off into your own post the flow just isn't there.

Anyways, nice work making the list!

One of the big things I have notice are some people no matter how much time and effort was put into a comment they will never upvote it or even leave a comment back. They will however go and upvote one of your blogs. My blogs are not that great and I spend far too much time creating them. I would much rather just comment all day long and leave it at that. But some people rather reward my efforts by just auto voting my blogs or whatever means they wish to show support.

I have many large comments. Best thing about Steemit is the very short cycle and attentions span on it. If I wanted to one day start turning my comments into more polished blogs I still have that option. I am like you in that I rather add conversion directly then just create a blog. With that said I have made some of my former comments into blogs in past. Days or weeks afterwords and just polished it up a bit.

Good point about being able to recycle past comments and clean them up for a post. Will need to consider that at some point I think.

The only blogging I really enjoy is posting about cooking or photos. Both are things I enjoy doing so the blog part comes a little easier...and if I don't get many votes it doesn't bother me as much after spending an hour or more on them.

As for those that don't upvote comments no matter the effort. If I don't see something in return for my efforts like a reply or upvote I make a mental note. If that happens to many times then I will just stop investing my time in that person. No reason to give my votes or time to someone who shows absolutely no interest in reciprocating.

BTW, I added you to my follow list. Look forward to future conversations.

Steemusa community tends to do a lot with photos. In case you ever need some inspiration or ideas the comment section in blog has a nice list of some of them including tags used. Marketfriday tends to be a fun one that might even make a nice mingle with your love for cooking.

Thank you! Haven't seen that before. Will make sure to see what I can pull from there to help inspire more posting. Really would like to become a daily poster and help grow my followers some this way.

Add another fine comment to your list :)

So many good points above, I want to copy/paste most of them in the reply!

I'm sorry this response isn't worthy, I agree with what you have to say, and will 'cop out' a little today by just saying...

Give this time traveling cat an upvote!

I'm real and write all my comments myself. I should probably change that so I have a bot to blame if someone gets mad, right? :)

I recognize a number of names on the list as humans and people with whom I interact. I also recognize many of them as bots. I think you'll still see @davemccoy up there, but I don't know if there will be many other humans in 6 months.

Congratulations, @themanwithnoname. Now, I'm more than a little envious. This is about one of the greatest honors that can be bestowed upon a human here on Steemit.

The fact I didn't make the list makes me more than a little motivated. Now, I just got to keep finding posts I feel semi-comfortable commenting on :)

Thanks, I was fairy surprised and excited about it. I am finding that I like getting recognition. I wonder if other people have figured this out too? You can use accolades to motivate people. Hmmm! :)

A lot of Stewards of Gondor on the list as well as those who have been inspired by them.

Pretty suprised to be in the list!

I saw in one of the comments by @kamesh that it is not possible for a human to be manually doing the comments I am pretty sure @abh12345 even if all the number crunching he does may seem that he is AI but most definitely human. @wwf with his 90 wpm typing speed is human. @goldendawne who is always spreading a lot of engagement love as the Engagement goddess is most assuredly human.@taskmaster4450 is definitely human preaching about the abundance mindset we should be having. @spiritualmax is human but sometimes we are afraid that his cat emperor has tied him down a chair and make him produce content and comment all for cat domination and of course the current king of engagement @davemccoy who is going voice and reach to new Steemians is definitely a human with a big heart.

I am a human who has an 8 hour shift job (I spend half looking at Steemit!) Still has time to get a beer or two with friends, have a relationship, build communities with both @steemitfamilyph and @promo-mentors and started an online presence for our 12 year old charity group called @giftinkindph

So it is possible to be engaged with the community and have a life. Steem is amazing and we have a lot of things that we can do with it.

:) I'm not actually human, but I have a human and I do this work through my human!

Then you are a human with four hands to type at 90 wpm hahaha

hahahaha. busted!

I can definitely confirm @maverickinvictus is real... he's been my steemit buddy for quite some time. He takes his time commenting and curating for so many!

You are my inspiration to be more engaging to the community!

Everywhere I turn today I'm seeing @maverickinvictus

Sshhhh MI I just have an omnipresence power that does not need to be disclosed hahha

You are a busy man with a good heart and I'm really glad to see you here.

Thank you for all that you do!

Give this man an upvote!

Thanks Asher and you are awesome to for bringing in so much information and data that Engagement is very important to this community.

ffs get a room the pair of you ;-)

congrats also to the following humans i recognize on here AND see in my posts often - you all are awesome!!

<3 and congrats to @abh12345 & @taskmaster4450 who have both taught me a lot about commenting and on whose pages I made many of these typed characters ;)

Thanks for the shout out, @mountainjewel! Congratulations to you as well. I started around the same time as you and you're killing it (in a sustainable and environmentally-friendly way). ;)

hahaha you're too funny... and killing it too! in a ..nameless...kind of way??

seriously though, EVERYONE READ his fantastic post on ideas to improve the Steemit User platform-- some great ideas!!

Thanks for the advertisement and support!

Thanks @mountainjewel. I appreciate the support! Can I just point out that my name though is pearce rather than pierce. I won't get to see your lovely mentions otherwise! 😍

ahhh sorry about that- will edit it ;)

Thank you @mountainjewel! Yeah I'm as real as it gets! I don't ever have to trim my fingernails due to the friction across the keyboards- lol

Yes indeed, congratulations to all the humans on this list! :D

I am surprised to have made the list for 2018 so far with family and health issues I have t been as active as I normally am so pleasantly surprised to be included

And I am not a bot all manually entered😎

I’m not that surprised everywhere I go you have already left a comment! You spend a fair amount of time in your own comment section as well.

I’m really proud to be a member of Steemusa we have a couple of names up their! I’m glad to see our community puts in time and effort into comments.

And I see you everywhere I go often as well
We’re proud to have you with us in Steemusa 👍

What a great list you compiled here Asher; you've got me motivated to be on it the next time you create it! I realised very soon that to be a part of this community, you really must be engaged in it. I once had a new person here 'complaining' to me about the lack of foot traffic on her posts, even though she put hours of time into them. I told her this:

Imagine that you move to a new town where you don't know anyone, and in the first week decide to throw a party. You make all kinds of elaborate plans, buy all kinds of food and drinks and wait for the moment to arrive when your house is full. On the day of the party though, no one arrives. You finally figure out that you need to go out into the community, make friends, engage and show interest in others and establish genuine relationships. Only then will your house party be overflowing.

And like real life, that all takes a lot of time, and here, a lot of commenting. So thank you again for this reminder!

Cheers :)

That is a great analogy, and I think it's worthy of expanding into a post :)

Thank you for this and being a part of our engaged group of people!

Thanks for the not-so-subtle hint haha I think I'll do just that :)


I think user @abh12345 in that list is a bot, there's no way an ordinary person could produce such quality content at such a rate.

I think you're right though, in 6 months we probably won't see any people in the list, purely because we've got to sleep.

How hard would it be to add another column for 'Number of posts' to help determine who are actual real people?

haha :D

Well thank you very much, I try very hard, as many of us do!

I've got the number of comments there, but I suppose I could add number of posts. Would it tell you that much though? - Some bot accounts don't post at all, some post 12 times a day, and there are some inbetween.

Thanks for your kind words!


WHOA!! I didn't even realise that I made the list!! Waheeey!

Ah, my apologies, I thought that most bots didn't post bots (like cheetah, etc) but I guess some do all the time... dagnammit. I guess there really is no indicator to distinguish a bot from a person on the blockchain.

Well done to you!

I'm in the list, I must be a c0ff33 bot! If you have taken the time to read a post then really there can be no reason not to leave some sort of comment, and of course people appreciate knowing someone enjoyed their hard work. I always find it quite sad when I come across a post without a single comment, especially when it's a few days after it was created. Drives me nuts, which is why I tend to hunt around like a look for those to give people a least one comment for their work - so they know it was appreciated - just because you see upvotes it doesn't really mean anything compared to someone actually writing that they enjoyed the writing, picture etc and what they liked about it. You really are the master of Statistics Ash, it makes me wonder what other little bits of information you can dig up about all of us!

I'm actually hoping to be the person who swears the most in his posts. I think I managed three f words and a couple of bo****ks in a post I wrote today about the Beatles :-)

This is of course a platform for creatives and artists, they are quite sensitive so you have to remember

Sounds to me like you are doing a great job, and the stats clearly support this :) makes me wonder what other little bits of information you can dig up about all of us!

If you have any ideas let me know! :D

Hey! I made the list and I'm proud to say that I am NOT a bot! hahahaha. Great list Asher! Well done. Thank you for keeping up with the stats.

Wow, I made the top 200, 1363 comments just for 2018, Hummm, guess I been commenting a lot, but looked like there were a lot of other real commenters there too. My character count is a little bit exaggerated from a mostly template for the newbievotes but even 98% of them get something added in. So yep, mostly a real person, with bot leaning comment tendencies. (templates).

bot leaning comment tendencies

Ha ha ha, @bashadow! You totally personalize those comments. The copy/pasted part is the logo. Nothing wrong with that. Keep up the good work.

Thank you, I keep trying to spread the wealth and joy.

Not bad for a guy who was a hunt and peck typer.

Thanks for your lists as always @abh12345.

I truly enjoy all the research you do to compile information about what people are doing on this blockchain.

As my posts note, I am a big fan of commenting since I believe it brings so much to the blockchain.

I hope you continue these lists in the future.....this is a good one.

I already commented once (friendsofgondor by accident) lol ... But now I will comment again just so it comes from me. I think what you are doing with these metrics are fantastic. Its really explaining to people where they stand and how they fit within the structure.

Sometimes we imagine a world that doesn't exist. And while that might be good for some, it is also not for others. To the optimists, sure its good to dream. But for the less confident, its nice to see exactly how you relate.

I see many people on this list and to me its really impressive. To see our "community here on your page" well represented means a lot to me. It is significant because numbers don't lie, and they tell you things depending on how you want to view them.

One big thing that jumped out for me is that yes the robots are prolific, but imagine the amount of contact us "people" had with each other. It shows the hard work and effort is real, plus it also confirms something I've been thinking too, we are growing (as individuals and as a group).

I know there are many parts of steemit that I have not discovered, but this gives me hope that we are connecting in ways that will create bonds that will last. And judging by the quality of people I have met (at all levels) I think we will be a force that will do a lot of good :)

Awesome report Asher and thanks for sharing it with US!!!

  1. the list does not worry me, it motivates me
  2. no, I don't think they can eliminate us just yet, we are quite a scrappy group and will adapt ;)

Hi Dave

Well done for heading the list of human accounts that I recognise on the list - was it every in doubt?

I actually had no idea where I, the stewards, or the newbieresteemday massive would stand, and so was super happy when I saw so many of us there!

Growing together on Steemit is the most satisfying and best approach to take I think, and it's a great feeling to see many members of the communities I am a part of up there.

Thanks also for answering my questions, very positive answers too! Lets see where we are at in a few months time :)

Thank you!

@spaminator & @steemcleaners use comment templates. But there is a human hitting that "Post" button. :grin:

I add my thanks for all you do, and thanks for the rewards when we point shakey things out.

Oh hi @patrice :D

Your accounts get a free pass, thank you for all that you do!

@patrice is a rock-star in my books! Thanks for all you do to keep it clean here!

You need a third column where you divide the number of comments by the number of characters so that I have at least a slight chance of reaching the top of some leaderboard once or twice in my life.

Man, if only I was a bot – I'd spend so much less time annoyed.

Ha :)

Apologies for the absence of this statistic, I may include it another time.

I realize that I'm on the very verge of turning my my name into a verb. I've already seen a few people who have received some of my longer response is exclaim, "dammit, I got lexed!"

This gives me an incredible amount of self-satisfaction.

Next, I need to figure out how to make my name a killing-word.

LOL You literally would probably top that leaderboard =p In the engagements I have had opportunity to enjoy with you I have been astounded at your willingness to dive deep into subjects you understand well.

You have whupped a learnin' onto me more than once =)


Thanks for including me in this list, I really comment a lot and I thing that commenting helps a lot to grow on steemit, I am very happy to be one of the most prolific commentators on steemit. ☺

Congratulations @olawalium, @abh12345 @lyndsaybowes and @maverickinvictus, you guys actually beats some of the bots in the game. Am glad to see real human accounts that I know here. But I can swear on my beardless chin, in three months the bots won't give us a chance again. Great job @abh12345, before now I used to read the comments section to learn but now there's too much comedy going on in the comment section.

Haha the comment section is a gold mine for Engagement and also for SP bounties for spammers who 2 minutes after publishing a 1000 word post will comment nice post,, learned a lot. I go to their comments history and if it is all copy and paste I report to steemcleaners hahaha.

We'll get them beat yet! We don't want a Skynet situation in Steem haha.

He's here, legend in waiting :-) well done fella

Lol you are making me blush hahhaa

Thank you so much for the recognition brother. Comment section is actually a place where you voice your opinions over what was posted and learn a lot too. I enjoy reading posts as much as i enjoy giving those comments. Learning never stops. Thank you bro.

don't forget about me, I am also in the list. ☺

Oh man, I missed your name. sorry, must have been due to old age. Cheers.

Wow I am not a bot and am so proud to have made the list with quality engagement and helpful hints for new users. I also see some of the great users that got me started with positive engagement.

Wow Asher, this is amazing information! Its very motivating to see where we stand and see so many familiar non-bot names! I think we are doing a better job as a group that we sometimes realize!

As always your information is very helpful... and now I know your game plan too! ;)

You're going to put out such good information that everyone will come by to see where they rank. I can see the next contest now: "How many bots can you beat?" lol

And the answer to the last question is no, not if we "collectively" have something to do with it! (our numbers will only get stronger as we understand how important our words are)

Thank you!

You have sussed my game plan, or at least enlightened me as to it! Positive information and encouragement is great, I have found my way to do that via numbers :)

Great to have you on board and a part of this!

@enjar, @dswigle, and @tattoodjay are all amazing people that are a part and leaders of steemusa. I figured I would have made the list, but hoping I'm not too far off it. I'm going to use the excuse that I try and make my comments short and sweet.

Edit: ah only for 2018. Considering I haven't been doing much the past couple of weeks that might explain it. Congrats to all those that made the list.

I was surprised to make it as I haven’t been as active in 2018 as of yet compared to last year as you know
But things are quieter for me now so I should get back up to speed
I thought you would be on the list as well

I've been pretty quiet the past two weeks as well, but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things and find a nice balance.

Balance is the key trying to get mine again

You do so much for the community around you I doubt many people will ever know. Wonderful people like you do a lot from the background. You are the type of person that makes Steemit a very enjoyable place for many. Thank you for being an amazing person.

You are not at all far off the top 200 - 259!

That's excellent too in my eyes.

Thanks for picking out a couple of humans in the list I wasn't following prior!

No problem @enjar is a new person I've followed and he's been posting some great stuff that I've been interested in.

Thanks for taking the time and looking me up on the list. It wasn't necessary but definitely appreciated.

I think coding skills is definitely something on Steemit that can help you out almost as much as having a large following outside of Steemit or a lot of money to invest on the platform. Unfortunately, I'm someone on the long hard grind.

It's incredible for me - that I've been in here for a month and a half - to see this large list of robots replying to our posts when the main idea is that we contribute with quality comments, it's about consuming content, giving value to the effort of all Steemians in writing. I'm very proud of the path I'm building for myself, slow but safe!!

I'm with you all the way! :)

A friend joined yesterday, and the amount of bots that hit the 'introduceyourself' posts is insane!

Good luck to you!

Congratulations @abh12345!
Your post was mentioned in the Steemit Hit Parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 6 with 175 comments

Awesome! :D

Perfect for this post!

Somehow I'm not quite sure about @jerrybanfield at the moment. Still wondering.

His account runs a Bid-bot now, and perhaps he still uses it to comment manually also - not sure :)

Thanks for the RS and your comments!


He has an automated comment running. I was too lazy to dig for real comments.

When he is not a bot and no normal user... how could we call this? Android? Steemdroid? ^^ No wait I have it... "Banfield": he is the Bandroid!

bahaha :D

Bandroid! I suspect it is not the worst name our blockchain buddy has been called!

XD "Bandroid, The Blockchain Buddy"! That would make a great comic strip!^^

I really had no idea I comment enough to compete with bots LOL

I note that it is your facility with data that has, once again, brought to light facts that startled me. Some people think data is b.o.r.i.n.g, but I see that it is exciting, as understanding facts enables us to perceive aspects of reality that we might never otherwise suspect.

Such as, that I somehow managed to make 888 comments so far this year =p


Edit: I know you know, Asher, but just wanted to add for other folks that might see this, that I am not only not a bot, I have never even once used a bot on Steemit. Even though I deeply admire #MSP, I haven't overcome my principle to be able to join because it is geared presently to do the encouraging of minnows with bot updoots.

I do use Gina (a bot) for mentions. I was missing too many replies, and Gina helps me to then manually comment. I know several of the folks on the list, including @everittdmickey, who CAN'T be a bot, because they haven't invented the bot that tells the young whippersnappers to get off the lawn yet.

He's actually a great inspiration for folks wanting to grow their accounts without investing $100k in cash. He's done it all organically, as far as I know without ever using bots either.

OMG.. I'm still wiping tears out of my eyes from the cleverbot insult. WTH??? Who'd do that?

888, not bad at all.

I understand what you mean re: MSP, but this is the situation we are in. You know I pay for votes 'legally' via the bots at times, this one in particular but the main reason is to promote the people engaging as much as myself trying to gain from it.

There is much shite on the Blockchain, and if you don't pay to play at present, you will be seen less, sadly.

Ginabot is a god sent, and easily the best bot we have.

@everittdmickey - one of the first accounts to ignore me actually, but I'm happy he's present in the list. He arrived at a good time, and has some powerful community members around his work.

As for cleverbot......... Damn! I was not expecting that comment!

LOL @everittdmickey serially mutes lotsa folks. I'm actually surprised he hasn't muted me, given some of the disagreement he has expressed with things I've said. OTOH, he has been a consistent support in my blog, even if mostly by disagreeing with me - for me that's particularly valuable, as I need to learn, and I can only learn from listening to folks that correct me.

I'll not comment on your use of bots, just as I generally refrain from commenting on folks selfvoting. I reckon it reflects the code, and as you point out, there's costs in other things than money to not using them.

I can live with less than the maximum, since I don't consider my stake income, but rather a representation of the voices of folks I engage with. I live off the money I make bending nails and smashing thumbs, which is far more exciting, if only because it more directly engages my pain circuits =p

Keep on posting facts =)


I'm surprised I didn't make the list. I guess my comments are too short.

416th on the list today, not bad at all!

Short comments in many places also work I think and a top 500 finish out of 139,000 accounts that have made a comment this year is pretty darn good!

I probably would have cracked the top 400 but I wasn't on steemit for the whole year. lol Thanks for looking it up for me.

How awesome to see some of the super humans beating the bots in commenting part!!!

@davemccoy, @goldendawne, @wwf, @cranium, @abh12345, @bashadow, @c0ff33a and @enjar are some of them I can recognize as they are either a #stewardsofgondor or team members of #newbieresteemday.

Congratulations to these people along with other non-bot people who are among this list.

Thank you @coolguy123 for the recognition and inclusion in your comments. I value and appreciate that very much. Peace to you my friend. Kudo's to all the spiritual beings who are working hard to build a strong community through their dedication and support of others. They all recognize that there are spiritual beings on the other side and are working hard to use this as a tool to reach that other spiritual being and make a connection. Using the written word makes that process very challenging and all these people have decided to do their best to make that connection. May Creator bless all those who chose to do that work to connect with others in peace and freedom!

Very true @wwf, each of the individuals mentioned have tried their best to connect with others and that makes our journey interesting one on Steemit.

Your comments always comes with something related to creator of us and it's nice to remember the god and such holy things which brings an unity feeling among us.

Yes we have the market share with these communities for sure, great stuff!

I am thrilled to see so many SOGs that have rolled over here and with the newbieresteem initiative! It's exciting and I love how we are remaining unified to see the success of others. Some days I think of all the possibilities that we can continue to work towards for success; our own as well as so many talented others.

I think it's you and @abh12345 who were the initial members of SOG who started showing interest in #newbieresteemday and as @davemccoy approached me by introducing me to that, I immediately said I will do whatever help I can to help the new joiners because I just remembered my initial struggles on Steemit and there were no helping hands to me and others who started afresh.
But, with this initiative, we can always assure that, the newbies get the guidance, the boost with some upvotes to make them feel comfortable.

As we can also see, the team of #newbieresteemday is coming up with one or the other new initiative to keep the newbies engaged.

I am a c0ff33 bot, I will comment on everything LOL

lol, love that gif although I know in real life you are working like a bot to manage your shop and to manage the comments and articles on Steemit. :)

To be fair I have invoiced more orders this morning then I have done comments on Steemit, must get some more staff in at my work! And I'm on my fourth cup of Thailand Doi Chang estate coffee I roasted yesterday - it's fantastic super pleased to get a sack of that back into stock.

ah, that's some hectic work...In the mean time I forgot that you have a family to manage too!!!

Great to know about the brands of coffees you roast. :)

I could do with a coffee, without milk these days please!

It is very amazing we can beat out some of the bots. I was a little shocked between them and people who just copy/paste spam all day long that we had a shot at all.

While I am honored, I am not a member of any of those wonderful communities. I am sign up for The Curation Leagues and perhaps that is where you recognize my name from.

I do have a couple of comments that I will copy/paste but it's for the Discord group for homesteading and gardening. It's a welcome and introduction/invite to the group. But other than that.. these fingers are not collecting dust on the keyboard.

The Curation Leagues are a great addition for recognition! And @abh12345 does a fabulous job with it!

Thank you! :D

It is very amazing we can beat out some of the bots

That's very true, bots as we know, most of them will leave a comment when they upvote a post and the amount of consolidated text will be huge in number, where as humans though write lesser number of comments, but they will be responding on the content to which they respond. So, the humans who have surpassed the bots definitely needs to be appreciated.

While I am honored, I am not a member of any of those wonderful communities

Oh, my apologies, yes, I could recollect you part of curation leagues. good to know you.

Have a great day @enjar

Together we make the platform better.

Very true @cranium, team SOG is an example for that and now team newbieresteemday is showing us with some of the out of the box thinking.

I think @spiritualmax is a real person. If not, I am in aww how good bots are!

I have to say, a lot of the ones I recognise I thought where real people. I may not like the idea of interacting with bots thinking they are people. I feel like I have been fooled a bit and I have to think about this.

Its a top 200 list, there are real people in the list don't worry. In fact, you are engaging with one now! :D

Double fooled... I should learn how to read internet before I continue. I think I have one of those days :D

Well I use to reply to a bot once In my comments, and I just found out two months ago that I've been so stupid.
However I can see there are many bots on the platform, but hey lol we go way back and I'm human, and I frequently drop my views on your blog.

So you sharing a hug? Give me two big pat on the back hahsha

I'm not sharing with a bot :p

Many bots yes, but also some great engagers too!

Loooooool hahsha Oh yeah right by the way this a secret revealing post

Lolz...was actually looking out for my name but sadly didn't find it. I would have to uo my game. In six months time you will definitely see me there. Lolzz

You are 334th in todays report, I shall look forward to seeing you there next time! :D

I am so honoured and delighted to be part of this amazing mention. This delights me. Nothing is really hidden. No words could adequately do justice to how excited i am. I am here and i am happy. Thank you for all you do. This encouragement is hugely appreciated.

Hello there!

Well done for appearing on the list! You have a new follower :D

Deeply appreciated. It's such a great honour. You did an amazing job getting all those. That is one serious work out there which is a good testament to your kind of person. Well done.

Going to be brief with my comment on this one, simply because you have a slew of comments made by 'humans'. I like this report! The 'Sir' one too.

Most popular female Sirs ever?! Epic.

Made me recall a comment suesa made.


I love that gif too much.

The comment is really more fitting on Asher's 'Sir' post, but I figured, why not kill two comments in one stone? :)

4968 comments I'm in shock. Excellent article. It was very useful for me. I have lost some will power while sick. Thanks to your article, for me there is a very interesting new goal. I want to get into the top 10 real (except bots) commentators Steemit for 2018.

4968 комментариев я в шоке. Отличная статья. Она была очень полезна для меня. Я немного потерял силу воли пока болею. Благодаря Вашей статье,для меня есть очень интересная новая цель. Я хочу попасть в топ 10 реальных (за исключением ботов) комментаторов Steemit за 2018 год.

Being a steward has kept a lot of us busy, well done for making the list!

Yeah!!! I made it...destroy all humans... Wow I can't believe...does not compute waste of ammo...I made it! I'm #(200&)1!

And the reason the blog is titled 'The 201...' :D

Couldn't miss you off the list now could I!?

201 entities hogging all the bandwidth that literally are unable to shut the hell up while on steemit...also a catchy title?

We'll see in 3 months time :D

Haha that's freaking dulce (sweet in the spanish lingo). Thanks a lot Asher, my favorite Steemit sabermetrician (inside baseball stat guy).

I know number of people on that list. Well done! How can you differentiate which is a robot? I mean I found one.. catbot I believe. Comments when you write about cats and everytime you comment it replies back nonstop lol. So there are some that are hard to tell?

I could do a reasonable job on removing the bots by eye, but I guess we'd need to look at a fair few accounts manually to make sure.

I suspect around 50 accounts are real people, although most of those in the 2nd 200.

Thanks for your comments :)

Just thinking, all bots have 'bot' in their names? Are there some that don't?

That would help a little, but there are also plenty that don't. These are just the bid-bots:

I recognize a few of em as "real" :) @cryptkeeper17, @luzcypher, and @jerrybanfield are all non-bots, (I think!!)

First one certainly not, @luzcypher has a busy openmic content to keep up with and uses templated replies at time (which I don't blame him for at all!), and Jerry...

Thanks for dropping by :)

You're welcome!! And, by "first one certainly not," I'm assuming you mean, certainly not a "bot." That person may use bots, but, I've had multiple legit interactions with them, and they are definitely "real." :))

Sorry, yes. Certainly not a bot :)

I'm on the list between two bots:

However, I am 100% organic, and my comments are original pieces as well :D

Glad to be on the list, I didn't make it into the curation one, but I got this one which is great as well.

Hats off to you dear numbersmith. Great work.

Holding them off, 1 arm each!

Well done for making the list, and thank you very much :D

Well I can assure you that I am 100% human :)
Surprised, and delighted to make your list here. I was just doing what I enjoy doing, that is interacting with other human Steemians, and now I am on this significant list.

This is a great idea by the way, to showcase one very important aspect of what makes Steemit work as well as it does, when it does - the genuine human interaction. The communities that develop from that is the bedrock of the future of Steemit. I do believe this.

I do a lot of curating, all manual. Generally in the writing, and fiction tags, and some in the poetry also. It spills out a little into other tags also. I have a weekly curation post for readers and writers, so this type of interaction would play a role in how I made that list, I suppose. Still, I am honoured, so thank you :)

Excellent, nice to meet you and thanks for your kind comments!

Thanks for the mention! I'm definitely a real person and appreciate the mention. :)

And thank you to you for your fine efforts in making the list!

This is inspiring. I see a bunch of names of folks who definitely made my first few weeks an enjoyable experience.

Thanks really great to hear, thank you for your comments! :D

I actually love commenting and I would do it more if I felt the authors were even listening. Im not sure what will happen if you run this again in 6 months because all of the new members coming in in droves will comment for awhile and then give up. If we were at a growth plateau I would suspect that the comments would all be bots.

Yes I think you are right, we just need to hang in there.

Some people are more engaged than others so may I suggest getting involved here? Would you like to be a part of the Curation Leagues? Check my recent post for details Cheers!

This a very detailed report. Did you produce it manually?

Thanks, and no - that would be crazy business! :D

Absolutly agreed with "the wise steemians"😉.I got two time lucky to get an upvote from "thing-2" bot for my comments.

ahh, thing-2, I've seen them around in the past too :D

Very interesting post. Also, I'm glad that "Money Talks" is replaced with a better version.

The title should be, "The 201 most prolific BOT commentators on the Steem Blockchain".

Ha, but that would not be true :p Maybe in 6 months!

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