heh :)
Hey if the self-votes (without going nulclear) are worth more than what you can get in prizes here, it makes total sense.
Well done!
heh :)
Hey if the self-votes (without going nulclear) are worth more than what you can get in prizes here, it makes total sense.
Well done!
It won't be unless I self-upvote comments, which I really don't want to do (unless I have something that I absolutely need to shout from the rooftops for all to hear in a massive thread with like a billion comments). But it will be if I can make it to the top of the engagement leagues otherwise. :)
haha yeah, I rarely do but even when I think I do i'm put of knowing it will be 300 scrolls down. I suggest just replying to the top thread, making your apologies for being a red fish, and then killing it with an awesome reply. Might work, but don't blame me if not :)