Hi Glen, thanks for the short message - One of your shorter ones at least :)
It's a little alarming to hear:
I'm seeing this week is, leaguers are engaging, but not necessarily being engaged back to the extent that they were even a month ago. I'm sorry to see that happen.
Not a lot that can be done about that though.
Cheers, onwards :)
Yeah, I know. Even my short comments are larger than most. :)
re: alarming
I've been noticing it more over the last couple of weeks. I think there's still quite a few people who need to pick and choose what they do on STEEM because of RCs. And then, since I'm making an effort to get out to more folks I haven't interacted with before, I ran into plenty of them that don't reply, don't want to further a conversation, or don't know how. I haven't been trying to egg someone on who doesn't want to continue.