
I bought all this stuff years ago, just recently picked the soldering iron back up. The small cell, I got ten of them from ebay for $45 shipped, the bigger one I just put on the roof, same, I paid around $60 for it. I love it, its what I live for! I can't imagine putting the iron down again!

That's really good work, considering you did all this yourself. But the price of the solar cells you bought is quite expensive in my opinion. You can buy an already assembled portable phone charger for this money. I bought mine for $62 on amazon and I am really satisfied. I picked this Anker 21W - it charges my smartphone in about 3 hrs.

Personally, I think there's more fun in making something for yourself, even if you can't do it for quite as cheap as a manufacturer.

Well, yeah, I agree with you when it comes to occasionally or decoratively used objects, but when it comes to using something daily and often, it might be better to purchase it (you also get a guarantee, which makes it even more worth it in the long-term)...

Noo, the larger solar panel on my roof cost $60. This small, USB charger panel cost me less than $5. Sorry for the confusion!

Oh, ok. Get it now. And how does it work now? Does your sister still charge her phone with it?

Just threw this one together for her the day I posted, honestly don't know, she lives far away.. Though, this same type of cell has worked very well for me, in charging my own phones!