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RE: Replacement in Motion: Haitian Illegal Population Eating Pets of Ohioans

in #endofsociety4 months ago

There was an arrest shortly after the first claims were made, and yeah, it was Haitians. A woman was caught in the act and there was a report of the incident on DailyMail and police were called.

There was another resident who confirmed, at least, that wild ducks from their local parks were being eaten indeed. He said the Haitians in general were very rude, well dressed and also extremely dangerous drivers (flipped cars, hitting mailboxes, etc).

-- It is unsurprising in the least that cats would be part of this overall picture: hasty-license-handouts at the DMV to illegal migrants and the rest of the picture from those that dropped in to Springfield to document the situation.


Seems more verification of ducks and geese than the famous Trump debate statement: "They are eating the dogs. They are eating the cats." There is the lady in another town often cited for reporting her neighbor, a "US citizen", for a hanging cat carcus et al. Judicial Watch got a police report in Springfield (see pics). I hope there would be more evidence to find. Might be some embellishment going on, and now people are being threatened for encouraging bias against Haitians, according to Epic Times (