I love developing, and I would like to show you what I enjoy in it. May it be for your career or as a hobby.
This is the traduction of a french post I've made 5 days ago, excuse me if there is some mistakes in my grammar or spelling.A creative tool
Like clay for the sculptor or paint for the painter, the developer uses one or more programmation languages to create something. Maybe not something as artistic as a game, but something concrete is created at the end, game, website, application, whatever, you can be proud of it. It is logic in the service of art.
Like a game
It is not because programming is based on logic that it is boring. A lot of games are based on logic : cross-words, sudokus, puzzles, programming is the same ! There is even a website, codingame, which provides exercises for developers to challenge themselves.
Automatize tasks
Aren't you pissed when you have to repeat a process ? Well, you can make a program to do it for you ! One of the first exercises when learning, for example, is calculating an average. And I know someone who saved a lot of time at his work thanks to the excel macros he had made.
Not only for mathematicians
It is a popular belief, and because of it, tons of students think computer science is not for them. I've never been good at maths, but it has never prevented me from programming. The first exercises you'll do will certainly be based on small maths problems, but they are going to diversify later.
A new way of thinking
Speaking about logic, by dint of programming, you'll begin to think another way. Example : notice that some procedures always follow a pattern, and that they look a lot like programs. This can moreover help you in maths, you'll not see problems and their answering strategies the same way anymore.
No (yet?) unemployment
Job opportubities are a big preoccupation when picking a career. All jobs are automatizing themselves, leaving nobody safe ... except those who create the automatization ! There is a big need of devs and few take this path. Even if some estimate that AIs will soon code for us, developers still have good days left !
You are always learning
It is impossible to know everything about programming. There is at last hundreds of programming languages. And a lot of them have libraries and frameworks that you can also learn to master. Not counting all the fields of application : websites, games, apps smartphones, domotic ... Development makes the enjoyment of the curious.
If you know other assets development has, feel free to put them in commentaries !
Pictures from pixabay.
"Todos los trabajos se están auto-automatizando, no dejando a nadie a salvo ... ¡excepto aquellos que crean la automatización!" ¡Me gusto, follow me!