EmpowermeEOS Studentship: All You Need to Know

in #empowermeeos6 years ago (edited)

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EmpowermeEOS aims to sponsor 1,000 students by 2020. As it stands, we have over 100 students in our program, of which 20 students are under the sponsorship and this means we're nowhere near our short-term goal and there are about 980 sponsorship slots available. In response to various inquiries by people concerning our program; how they can be a part of the program and benefit from the great things EmpowermeEOS has to offer, we have decided to breakdown the details of EmpowermeEOS studentship. For easier understanding, this post will be broken down into segments, viz:

  1. Roles of a student.
  2. Tiers of Students
  3. Benefits of being a student.
  4. How to become a student.


It's quite appropriate to start from here because any prospective student should know the roles they are expected to perform or what is expected of them as students as EmpowermeEOS is a serious organisation and as such, we have requirements. Without further ado, below are the roles of a student


To pay attention and learn. Yes, almost any dictionary would describe a student as a person who studies or learns about a particular subject. So it is important that our students are attentive to what they are being taught and take their studies with all seriousness.

They subscribe to a vetted list of influencers and consume their content daily. One of the best ways to learn is by following the examples of those who have gone before you. This is why we encourage our students to borrow a leaf from those already ahead of them in the EOS community.

They are encouraged to read the book “Understanding EOS”(an online course for EOS beginners). The book is written by EmpowermeEOS mentor Toju Kaka and provides beginners with all the information they need on EOS.


On completion of the program, the students are encouraged to attempt an exam on “Understanding EOS” an online course for EOS Beginners. You know how after school, you have to write an exam to ascertain you actually know what you're taught? Well, it's basically the same here. To ensure our students have gotten the knowledge they need, we find a little test appropriate.

The final duty of the EmpowermeEOS student before graduation shall be to help someone else to get into the EmpowermeEOS program i.e to recruit a new student. Yes. This is to keep the numbers of student as stable as possible as each student leaving is recommending someone else as a replacement, more or less.

The student is encouraged to be a mentor. After the course of their study, we encourage our students to become mentors and give back to the community by imparting their knowledge on others. This, thought, is not mandatory but optional.

The student is encouraged to provide a smartphone and data subscription to a new protege and foster a genealogy of blockchain education using the EmpowermeEOS method. Ripple effect, ripple effect, ripple effect, everybody! We help you, you help someone else. If an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind then a gift for a gift can make the whole world happy.


Although EmpowermeEOS is primarily aimed at empowering youths in marginalised community through blockchain technology and EOS education, we have taken note of the indisputable fact that not only these people are in need of this education and empowerment and this is why we have created varied levels of studentship in order to widen our scope and make it possible for anyone interested in learning about EOS to be a part of the program regardless of their financial situation.

  1. Students who benefit from sponsorship of phone +mobile data. This is for youths from marginalised communities or for those who are financially challenged and do not have access to a phone or the internet. Through donations from our sponsors, we provide smartphones and mobile data for them to enable them be online, get mentorship and education and get connected to the EOS community.

  2. Students who benefit from only data sponsorship. This is for those who already have phones but do not have the means to subscribe to data plans. We provide them with data to facilitate their learning process as being online is an important part of the EmpowermeEOS program.

  3. Students who do not get any financial support, only education and mentorship. This is for those who are not in need of financial help but simply want an EOS education. We simply provide mentorship and education to this set of people.



  1. Special access to EmpowermeEOS Mentors. EmpowermeEOS mentors are people with a passion for helping others. They devote their time, effort and even finances into helping our students' growth and developments. They monitor students progress and provide them with the necessary materials and tools for their betterment. As most of them are established crypto experts, it is a privilege for students to have special access to them.

  2. Special access to a rich network of EOS Enthusiasts from all over the world. One thing we do is to connect our students to the rest of the EOS community and make sure they have access to people who can contribute to their growth and development.

  3. Awards of excellence.

  4. EOS Tokens. We support our students by giving them eos tokens.


  1. Through a recommendation by our partners such as Sozo networks and Jump-start Africa.

  2. Through a recommendation from reputable members of our community.

  3. Apply with the student application form

You can learn more about EmpowermeEOS via the following mediums:

Our Website:









https://empowermeeos.orghttps://twitter.com/empowermeeos https://instagram.com/empowermeeos https://facebook.com/empowermeeos https://steemit.com/empowermeeos


Written by Owolabi Jeremy,
EmpowermeEOS Community Manager


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make a new post so i can resteem!