With production by Dr.Dre and the Bass Brothers, the world was introduced to Slim Shady in a major way. "The Slim Shady LP" was laced with gritty, violent, unapologetic and provocative rhymes, showcasing the imagination and lyrical ability of Eminem as he told stories from the perspective of his daranged alter ego Slim Shady. looking back this album was explosive a brash illustration of the mind of Eminem which produced a raw work of art that stood the test of time. "The Slim Shady LP" turned a relatively unknown Detroit MC into a superstar and made him create one of the best rap albums ever. what's y'all thoughts on this album???!!!... #emimem #theslimshadyLP #midwesthiphop #detroitMI #em #slimshady #aftermath #D12 #8mile #mynameis #guiltyconscience #drdre #detroit #classic #legendary #90shiphop #realhiphoponly #fuckmumblerap #1999
krd1998#hiphopculture #hiphopjunkie #sneakerhead #oldschoolhiphop #streethop
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