Frozen Elsa, Fun Time Spiderman, YouTube BS exposed! #ElsaGate, Super Heros in Real Life

in #elsagate7 years ago

Frozen Elsa, Fun Time Spiderman, YouTube BS exposed! #ElsaGate, Super Heros in Real Life

I wanted to create a video that might show up in the search results for this Frozen Elsa, Sofia, and Spiderman crap that is showing up online. If you type in "Frozen Elsa" or "Fun Time Spiderman" or a few other searches what shows up is disgusting nonsense by a few channels like "SuperHero in Real Life", which are run by people in the banking industry, see Honeybee Video linked below.

We need to expose these channels for what they are and get this crap off YouTube. Somehow YouTube not only allows these channels to exist but actively promotes them to the tune of a few million views each, and they can be found on YouTube Kids. It is complete bullshit, YouTube will censor my channel exposing these sick channels putting this #ElsaGate crap up, but will promote those channels, it's a massive double standard. You have to wonder why YouTube is doing this type of thing, well Google anyways, who seem to be promoting filth targeted at children while censoring people fighting for children's rights like me. Basically Google hates children.

The argument that these #ElsaGate videos are for adults is bullshit as well. These videos show up on "Kids YouTube", and they are of characters like "Sofia" which is a Disney Princess that is only featured in children's shows. This would be like a cigarette company using Elsa to promote smoking cigarettes, which anyone would be appalled at. However in this case they are promoting sex, over indulgence, vaccines, bdsm (bondage) and teaching children about a whole variety of adult content, and no one cares. Well I care and so do you I bet, so let's spread this information to warn parents and expose Google / YouTube for their double standard bullshit.

I intentionally used the same tags, the same title and a similar thumbnail to these sick videos as a way to expose them. Let's see if my video with the same information gets a few million views like these sick videos get or if Google censors my video while still promoting these sick ElsaGate films. I already know the answer, but it will be a good test to see and prove Google is actively view count suppressing important information.

Parents please watch what your children are looking at online. Limit their online time per day. and put the computer in an area where you can see what they are looking at. Merely switching to Kids YouTube won't protect your children from adult content as these sick ElsaGate videos are not age restricted in any way.

Screw YouTube please go over and Sub me on @Bitchute:

Please "Enjoy" The YouTube Film:

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Links for More Research

HoneyBee Video on who is behind these ElsaGate Videos: Video, Steemit Blog:

SGT Report Video about YouTube Censorship: Video, Steemit Blog:

ReallyGraceful Video on ElsaGate: Video, Steemit Blog:

Spitting truth w/ Titus Show 4 on ElsaGate and more: Video, Steemit Blog:

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I am so disgusted by this and not having young kids myself, I am shielding my psyche. I got rid of tv about 20 years ago and stay away from major media as best I can.

I'm dropping the info into fb groups where I know parents hang out as I can, but I seriously cannot look myself in self-protection. The pedo stuff coming out is the same for me. I keep up, but don't look at it as best I can. No one needs to see such depravity.

I have not been around a lot of kids and young teens lately since my son is 25 now. But I have been around three little girls in three different places. All three were about 6 or 7 years old and glued to the ipad and I mean glued. You cannot get them out if it.

This was before I knew about the pedo stuff and I never looked at the screens (their little heads were right next the screen anyway). But the sound alone was obnoxious as could be - whiny, shrill, demanding. I think this is mind control and the parents will not know what hit them. The teen years are going to be hell for all.

Please keep trying to get the word out. Much respect, and I'm glad to see you here.

I suggest watching the (non free) documentary called 'Google and the World brain'. It makes clear that the aim of Google has never been to make money and it was, in fact, initially aimed at creating the world's largest synthetic 'brain' - using our internet input as a learning aid.
Keeping in mind then that the entire premise of Google is a facade - it should be easier to understand that Google is more of a false front for a variety of research projects and social engineering agendas than it is a valid service offered in an honest way.

my kids loves them so much , amazing success
thank you so much for this post
following you

I got sad about this because unlike before I am getting money because of I don' videos are demonetized

You are DISGUSTING! Corrupting innocent children with your sexualized content is something you should be ashamed of, not something to be proud of. I hope they shut you down and hope a whole lot worse that I'm not going to share....

Hi, great post i will reesteem your post!

All power to those who fight Pedophilia and attempts to gain acceptance for and legalize this scum.

Upvoted, resteemed, followed.

Thanks for reading. 😎

ch @globocop

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My Little sister is a big fan , you are doing great

That's why I hate google and you tube, they do anything to make money and protect their devious money making methods. To be on the safe side don't leave your kids alone when online. Let them go online with u around so u can see exactly what they are doing. Slip up even once and your kid goes down the drain. Thank you for sharing

Great post i wil follow you, follow me please, tq

Hollywood parties are notorious for this activity.

You should really check out investigating youtube there are great guys that have worked over a month on this topic

You are pathetic. :P
Thank you foe this post. Give these links to cariminati he will handle the rest of this. :P

Who is pathetic? Me?

Who is Cariminati?

Cariminati indian youtuber who makes sarcastic videos and also makes fun of the videos of that youtubers who just uploaded videos by giving reactions, making fun of real heros real people.

Wow, Cariminati sounds like a complete waste of time, thanks for mentioning someone so worthless. If Cariminati was a decent human being he would make videos exposing the horrors we face in society rather than being a narcissistic prick.

You are not yoyr post is pathetic :P lol

What about it is pathetic? The fact that YouTube allows this stuff or you think what I wrote is pathetic?

Sorry if you mind it :( it was just a joke :(

Hey. Long time and all that. Hope you are well.

This is so fucked up.

The new cartoons are either fully auto generated by the Google brain or they're massive MK Ultra 2.0 experiment....... OR BOTH.


Resteemed. Have you seen this one? ToyFreaks Channel - absolutely disgusting! parallel thread