The Arsenic Lullaby X-mas Bomb Shelter is open, with rants, comics, podcasts to get you through the dreadful gauntlet that is the holiday season
and so too is the window of opportunity to have me do a commission for you. I probably won't have time to do as many as last year, but I should be able to handle a good amount.
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douglaspasz -at-
Here's one I'm working on now
That's mid way through the inking.
Normally I do all the easy stuff first and leave the lines that worry me until the end. Which is not wise, because that leaves me doing the hardest stuff after I'm tired and my eyes hurt. I accidentally did the hard stuff early because I was listening to a Grimes album and got lost in thought.
I was thinking about how months back when I heard that Elon Musk was dating Grimes I had said...this guy is not prepared to date a woman like that ( re:emotional train wreck on two legs. I mean...I love her work, she is an absolute genius above and beyond her peers...but she has trouble written all over her. I've dated trouble takes skill, and cunning, an experience. You can't just jump in there and hope for the best or your life will end up in ruins) that he would destroy his own life in the process of attempting to keep up with her, and be a shell of a man once she is gone.
To be's wasn't my most risky prediction. You don't need to be a gifted study of human nature to look at these two...
...and say that this guys about to ruin his life. BUT...I did predict it and I'm gonna take that win
and what happened? They dated, it ended and... He said a bunch of crazy ass sht on twitter, his stock dropped off the table, he said more crazy ass sht on podcasts, his stock dropped more... and he has recently unveiled his new super car...or "cyber truck"
He named it that...I didn't just call it that to make fun of him, he thought that was a good name. It's an eyesore, sure but there's way worse problems with it...
Aside from it looking like a three year old's drawing of a space ship...I will first ask you all...
what the hell good is it?
People buy trucks so they can haul things. Can you fit a couch in there? how about a mattress? how about 500 pounds of gravel?...can you use that for anything that people who buy trucks, use their truck to haul? No...
Think back to the commercials for actual trucks. What do they show being put into the bed of their trucks? Giant logs, thousands of pounds of rock being poured into it from above, tons of cement bags being dropped into it from a crane! I remember one commercial where they put another truck onto the back of the truck and drove off !!
The cybertruck is shown with a 300 pound atv in the back.
and yeah, I get it...this isn't meant for people who actually want a truck. It's for people who don't know what to do with their money. This is where I feel the need to point out that Elon Musk is well aware of who his cutomers are and is at best a snake oil salesman and at worst a flat out liar.
Consider this little demonstration where he hooks up his "truck" to a Ford F150 for a tug of war.
And we watch a video of the Cybertruck pulling the Ford backwards..thus "winning".
Winning what, exactly? This is what I mean by snake oil salesman. This is a demonstration that serves us no actual proof of anything in regards to this truck being better than the Ford in any practicule sense or even worth owning.
Elon knows himself some science, or has at least gotten past the third grade. So HE knows that ALL this proves is the "cybertruck" weighs more/has better traction. Once the Ford losses traction ALL the cybertruck is doing, essentially, is pulling a 4000 pound sled. Which my sisters Toyota could do.
I know 4000 pounds sounds heavy, and pulling a truck SEEMS impressive...but it's not. Not to any car with more than an oh...80 horsepower engine. A Honda Civic could probably pull a pick-up truck if it had enough traction.
And now that I think about it, it doesn't really even prove the cybertruck has better traction than a Ford F150, just that -THAT cybertruck has better traction than THAT Ford F150. Are they both equipped with the standard sized tires? Is that Ford 2 or 4 wheel drive? AND, I wasn't there...but all the pictures I have sure looks like the Ford was pointed uphill, but whatever. A tug of war demonstrates NOTHING worth noting of horsepower, durability, torque,...the heavier car is going to win, unless it is on bicycle tires.
See, you're supposed to think this is demonstrating towing capactiy/power. But that's now how you test towing ability. Elon claims his cybertruck has a towing capacity of 7500 pounds. I don't know how he came to that conclusion and he didn't bother to tell anyone BUT...that isn't very good anyway. In fact, that's pretty bad.
The Ford F150 has a towing capacity of 13,200 lbs (almost double the CLAIM of the cybertruck) and that is independently tested. Probably on what's called a dynotest and other such equipment. Not with a chain hooked up to another truck where both drivers are paid by Elon Musk.
A "test" like this is the tactics of late night flim flam salesmen trying to get you to buy healing crystals. and Elon knows it...or at least he did until he tried keeping up with Grimes in narcotics consumption.
Here's an even better example. "Musk debuted the company's first all-electric pickup boasting the truck's "armor glass" exterior that was supposedly unbreakable and even bulletproof to small arms fire."
He has a guy hit a door with a sledgehammer and nothing, right? Then he had the guy throw some metal balls at the window and ....
and HERE is the's great because it's TWO lies in one, really...
It is a lie because -there is no way he could possibly know that. If there is a crack leading back to the bottom of the window, there is no way he, or anyone else could determine if that was there before or after the impact of the metal ball. The is simply no way to determine that. Look at his quote "this couldn't be seen externally" So, there is NO REASON to think it was there first.
You want to give him that one? is still a lie because- both of the windows broke, but he only used the sledge hammer on the door of one of them. is the second part of the lie....a lie by structure. What he said there...that everyone missed because of how he explained things is...the sledgehammer did damage the car.
HEY...MORONS WHO REPORT THE NEWS....DID YOU MISS THAT PART??? He said- It only cracked when we tested it, because it cracked when we tested it. Hahahaha.
If you are bored, feel free to watch this fiasco...
The guy is a con man, and not even a good one.
He didn't exactly swing that sledgehammer to hit a home run, and he clearly swung much harder at the competitions door. As far as his attempt at throwing the metal ball through the window, he just sort of lobbed it in like he was playing catch with a 4 year old.
It is even more so snake oil salesman territory, because...let's say they ARE actually as impact resistant and bulletproof as he says. I'll ask again...what does that have to do with anything?!?? Is there some glut of pick up trucks with windows that shatter?...what does that mean to me as a person wanting to buy a pickup truck?! Am I going to haul gravel in Iraq? I've owned about 30 cars over the course of my life and I've on had ONE that got a broken window and that was because it was broken into. So...what the f*ck good are these "bulletproof" windows do me?
I guess if you sell ATV's to drug dealers in Compton, this is the truck for you, baby! long as you have bulletproof pants...because that's just regular sheet metal below the glass and that won't stop a bb gun at close range...even if it did manage to stop a feebly swung, plastic coated sledge hammer.
I'm going to point out now, whether it is or is not actually stronger than regular glass, if that gets in a head on collision, the windshield is going to "crumple zone" the passengers right in the f*cking face, .
Look at the rake and area of that windshield.
There is a REASON windshields are curved and don't extend past the passengers heads, f*cking moron.
Y'see originally, and for some time, cars HAD flat windshields...back before we gaf about safety and had any experience with head on collisions. But after we did, we started making them curved outward. Did he think they were just all curved outward because no one had ever thought of making them flat?...A difference in design that would save manufacturers tons of money? Elon, a windshield is actually two panes of glass pressed together with a plastic film between them. If it's curved outward it will tend to break outward and along more fracture lines, the film keeps those fractures from becoming thousands of flying glass shards. If it's FLAT, it could just become a giant glass guillotine. You f*cking idiot.
This being a truck and riding higher up than most of the cars on the road, means almost any frontal collision will have the front of the "truck" bending upward/inward. Look at that picture above and find the midway point of the windshield and imagine that creasing inward toward the driver.
And...did he test the airbags on this thing in tandem with the shattering windshield? Does it even have airbags? Has it gone through ONE single safety test? I mentioned "crumple zones" but does this truck actually have any? Musk wants us to believe the door frames and body are nigh indestructible. If that is actually true...this thing is a death trap.
If you wanna assume he's actually considered any of these things, I suggest you think back to the first models of the Tesla that were CATCHING ON FIRE AND BURNING DOWN PEOPLE'S GARAGES.
Better yet...lemme just point something out here in this very same demonstration. This is how much though this genius ( pie faced idiot) gives to safety. He's got a guy there, to throw a baseball size ball bearing at a car window that will theoretically bounce right back off of...
No net, no screen, audience only 15 feet away. If that guy HAD actually thrown it with any effort and it DID actually bounce off, someone in that crowd woulda caught that ball bearing right in the head. That would have been great for the stockholders, hahaha. What a dumb...*sshole.
" this rant just petty lashing out because you are jealous that he slept with Grimes?"
...we don't KNOW that they slept together...that's complete conjecture.
COMPLETE conjecture...such an event may have never happened. Maybe they just held hands and did a lot of drugs.
Look, was my birthday last week, just let me hold onto that notion, alright?
This "truck" is a hideous, useless, possibly extremely dangerous, novelty item for people who have more money than they know what to do with and think Elon Musk can do no wrong because he bought some bottled water for people in Michigan, and don't realize he is in some emotional downward spiral fueled by drugs, a mid life crises and attempting to date a legitimate creative genius.
Meanwhile Grimes is producing some of her greatest work ever. Pretty easy to see who walked out of that relationship with the clean end of the stick.
The guy should have listened to me. Oh well. He's ruined his life but Grimes has written some really good music, so I'm happy.
Speaking of people who think they are smarter than they are...steemit inc is STILL insulting the creative community here by not using the featured posts to promote the content we provide. and slowly but surely the value of steem continues to sink. Gee...if only there was some way they could draw attention to this place and thereby also draw attention to that crypto currency. Like ...oh...PROMOTE THE FUCKING CONTENT WE GIVE THEM THAT SETS THIS PLACE APART FROM OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA.
speaking of are all the other places you can find me. If you like my work I suggest you find me on one of them as a back up to steemit. and drop me a message if you do so I can follow you back.
Homebase -
Musk can be a bit off the rails at times, e.g. smoking pot on a podcast and calling a guy a 'paedo', but somehow he's built the most valuable car company in the world and a pretty successful space business (in terms of putting stuff up there if not actually making money). I would say he has helped push the idea of electric cars quite well. This demo of the truck did not go as planned, but he will probably get away with it. As for the practicality of the truck, he must have a big team of engineers working on it and they will have to get through safety approval. If it fails that or reviewers hate it then it probably won't sell too well. I expect the production version will not look exactly like the prototype, whenever it is finally available. He has a history of late deliveries. We do need people shaking up the motor industry orthodoxy, but he may not be the ideal guy for that.
As for Grimes, I know nothing about her. I am so out of touch with current music. Musk seems to see himself as a Tony Stark character and the pop star girlfriend may be part of that image. I don't follow celebrity culture at all.
He's done some good for electric cars, and his Space X seems to be functional. As for a team of engineers...i don't give him that much credit after seeing this contraption and high school science fair level of a demo. as for Grimes...she's brilliant ( musically ) and has an amazing ability to get people to not notice her videos cost about 325.00 to produce.
Like this green screen, an abandoned car, 14 cans of spray paint, 14 boxes of misc clothes/costumes from a thrift store. But I ain't mad at her, she's got not backing and it's good stuff
oh geez I was peripherally aware of the cyber truck but I had not seen the demonstration of indestructible windows... wow! That is hilarious.
hahaha, as I think about it, considering how much fucking money Musk has, even if it had gone off like he wanted it still would have been a 3rd grade science fair level of demonstration.
I've seen that sledge hammer trick on a car before.... From 1941. This shouldn't be a selling point anymore, we should all be able to walk out to our cars right now and smack it with a hammer. For some reason they're still working on it.
XD Indeed, we may have won the space race but we're still behind in hammer resistant car technology.
People that do things will always suffer hecklers. People who can't do things struggle with the urge toward petty jealousy. Ugly little people.
...There's no way you actually read the blog. That's what idiots on FB do dsonophorus, they see the headline and react without actually bothering to read the fucking article. Are you one of those idiots? If so, please don't come back to my page.
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