Review Project Eloncity - Use of blockchain technology in the field of energy

in #eloncity6 years ago

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Eloncity Testimonial

The following is the detailed content:

  1. The reason Eloncity was born.
    Our modern way of life depends on the vast electric grids that power everything from light bulbs to mass transit subways. Despite tremendous strides in technological innovation, these existing grids are largely built on an aging design, that is essentially a centralized grid architecture fed by large power generation plants in remote locations that connected customer sites through the complex labyrinth of transmission and distribution (T&D) network. The coordination of electricity production in alternating current (AC) form and its delivery through the complex T&D network are managed by regional system operators or independent system operators (ISO). The ISOs not only need to balance the electricity production and consumption in real time, but also must ensure the electricity produced remotely is transported to customer sites without running into congestions on the vast T&D network. While the current electric power grids are amongst the most complex engineering system ever constructed by humanity, this centralized power grid design is starting to show its age. Today’s centralized power grids face significant challenges in providing safe, reliable, secure, and affordable energy services. Below are examples of just a few of the vexing challenges the existing centralized power grids faced.
    Environmental and Public Health Problems:
    California, October 23, 2015 — The underground natural gas storage in Aliso Canyon in Los Angeles experienced a massive leak¹. This storage facility is the second-largest natural gas storage facility of its kind in the United stated, and it supplies gas to electric power generation plants throughout Southern California. The leak problem was so dire that it prompted California Governor Jerry Brown to declare a state of emergency on January 6, 2016. The Aliso Canyon incident created an environmental disaster on a larger scale than the Deepwater Horizon accident in the Gulf of Mexico. It was assessed that Aliso Canyon’s gas leak released about 5.3 gigatons of harmful methane gas into the Earth’s atmosphere. To put this into perspective, this represents an equivalent of roughly 12,800 years of the total annual emission of the entire South Coast Air Basin in Southern California. The power utilities in Southern California implemented contingency plans in anticipation of the natural gas shortages for powering the local gas-based electric plants. Meanwhile, the local residents reported headaches, nausea, and severe nosebleeds. An average, 50 children per day saw school nurses for severe nosebleeds. By January 2016, more than 6,500 families had filed for help, and nearly three thousand households, or about eleven thousand people, had been temporarily relocated. There has been numerous centralized grid disasters over the years, with some gaining worldwide notoriety like the Chernobyl and the Fukushima incidents. In the Chernobyl nuclear power plant catastrophe², over 300,000 people were forced to relocate permanently. This nuclear accident released traceable airborne radioactive particles that were detected in every country in the northern hemisphere. As these few examples attest, the centralized grids pose increasingly unbearable impacts to the environment, health, and safety of the people that it supposes to serve.
    Safety and Reliability Problems:
    California, September 8, 2011 — A deficient equipment maintenance procedure at a transmission switch station in Yuma, Arizona, initiated cascade grid power failures that left more than seven million residents without electricity, ranging from San Diego County to western Arizona and Tijuana³. This major incident exposed the inherent susceptibility of the centralized power grid to point-vulnerabilities. Similar to the Aliso Canyon gas leak incident, a failure at one single point on the centralized power grid caused adverse impacts to millions of customers over a vast area. Natural or human-induced accidents can occur at any vulnerable point, anywhere across the complex centralized power grid that sprawls over vast geographical areas, so the existing power grid’s ability to guarantee safe and reliable energy services looks to be increasingly challenged.
    Adaptability and Resiliency:
    Melbourne, Australia January 28, 2018 — More than 10,000 homes in Australia’s second most populous state were stuck without power due to a surge in power demands from the scorching heat wave that overloaded the grid⁴. This blackout was caused by a power network failure, rather than supply shortages. This occurred less than a year after Australia’s biggest city, Sydney, was hit by blackouts during another heatwave that affected more than 50,000 homes. These events often happen during an intense heatwave, where power demands can precipitously peak as customer crank up their air conditioners. Meanwhile, the grid T&D wires and electric power plants experience reduced electricity transmission and generation due to increased ambient temperature. In the foreseeable future of global climate change, cities around the world are expected to experience growing incidents of grid failures due to adverse weather, furthering adding to this problem. From heatwaves in Australia and California to frigid winter spells in the northeastern US, to hurricanes Katrina, Sandy, Rita or Maria, we witness repeated episodes of massive grid failures due to the system’s inability adapt and or absorb the disruptions brought about by climate-change induced events.
    Unaffordable Electricity Cost:
    US, April 14, 2016 — A study was published by Groundswell, a nonprofit renewable energy advocacy group, detailing how the cost of electricity is increasingly burdensome for America’s working class. The study reports the bottom 20 percent of earners spend about 10 percent of their income on electricity⁵. A few reasons for centralized grid’s high costs of electricity are as follows: (a) Five to nine percent⁶ ⁷ of the total energy produced is lost during the electricity transmission and distribution. As discussed above, the T&D losses are amplified during hot weather spells due to increasing resistance in the T&D wires and equipment as temperature rises; (b) The electricity in AC form is relatively complex and requires numerous supporting resources, called ancillary services, to ensure the delivered powers at customer sites remain within the required power quality limits. Examples of ancillary services would be frequency regulation, voltage-level regulation, and reactive-powers. Unfortunately, the required ancillary services for the AC-based centralized grid are costly and typically account for three to seven percent of the total electricity bill⁸; (c) Capacity services that ensure adequate power generation capacity to maintain grid reliability during periods of peak demand. The capacity services or standby capacity reserve are compulsory because the current power grid lacks real-time coordination of customer power demands to the system’s available power supply. In other words, because the real-time management of power demands at customer sites is lacking, the centralized grids procure excess generation capacity to standby just in case they are needed. These capacity services are also costly and can add up to 15 percent of the total bill⁹. These examples are just a few of the innate and costly inefficiencies of the centralized AC power grid design.
    When you combine the challenges of natural disasters, population growth, and climate change, new approaches to energy production and distribution are needed more than ever. It is our belief that the solutions to these challenges should also create vibrant and sustained growth for all. The AI Grid Foundation (Foundation), a non-profit based in Singapore and an advocate for open access to decentralized renewable energy, shares this vision. The Foundation has collaborated with global organizations and local communities to develop the Eloncity Model, a community-centric approach employed to address these challenges and decentralize renewable energy resources to attain a safe, healthy, vibrant and equitable energy future.

  2. What is Eloncity - Eloncity Project Introduction.
    ELONCITY is a project in the field of energy; Eloncity applies Blockchain technology to the energy industry. Eloncity wants to decentralize the existing power system into millions of microgrid power grids capable of self-supplying itself. Electricity will be produced and will be provided locally 24/7, and will directly compete with existing power supply units. Electricity prices will be more transparent. EVERYONE CAN USE ELONCITY TECHNOLOGY FOR FREE ELECTRONIC MANUFACTURING. And so, we can power the whole world using clean energy.
    The main goal of Eloncity is to solve a universal problem that affects everyone. Eloncity's project focuses on replacing traditional energy systems with the power grid infrastructure made up of millions of self-supplied micro-grids, and thus makes renewable energy widely available. Spread on all hours of the day. This will address the imbalance in supply and demand for renewable energy, a hot topic in recent years. People around the world have been experiencing the political and economic problems of declining fossil fuels as well as the problems of renewable energy production.
    ELONCITY uses blockchain technology to solve energy problems and bring benefits to mankind in general. Eloncity technology will help produce electricity virtually free of charge, thus supplying the world with affordable clean energy.

    Blockchain is the core of the trading system and each micro-grid has its own accounting ledger. The blockchain trading system will synchronize with the artificial intelligence algorithm by combining the state of the distributed energy sources of the Internet of Things (IoT) and will use the learning machine to distinguish the power demand model of the community. In addition, we will also increase the analysis of the impact of local power demand caused by regional events, weather and local energy prices so that we can provide users with electricity prices. more rational. Our goal is to make local electricity prices lower than electricity prices.
    According to Andy Li, founder of Eloncity; Blockchain technology in the Eloncity project will be closely linked to clean energy. Blockchain can help solve the current impasse that the government faces when promoting clean energy. To a degree, using blockchain technology and the token economy is the only way to promote the widespread use of clean energy.


  1. Eloncity project model
    The Eloncity Model builds upon four key pillars:
    (1) Decentralized renewable energy design architecture, which comprises:
    A Blockchain platform that provides an open, secured and distributed ledger for efficient recording of energy transactions in the community in a verifiably and immutable manner. The blockchain platform also enables the Eloncity community to establish an auditable record for tracking the sources of electricity generation within the community, that is GHG-free or non-fossil-fuel based. The auditable tracking of electricity generation sources is critical for valuation of electricity based on generation sources, and also monitors the community’s progress toward de-carbonization.
    An intelligent networked battery energy storage system (BESS) deployed on the customer premises to harmonize local electricity supply-demand. The Eloncity BESS mitigates the needs for costly capacity and ancillary services. Additionally, BESS also help to flatten intermittent renewable generation into predictable, reliable, and dispatchable renewable resources.
    Customer-sited or community-based renewable generations, such as solar PVs coupled with intelligent networked BESS, that can fulfill all or nearly all the local energy demands. The locally produced renewable powers would eliminate, or significantly lessen, the need to transport remotely generated power through the vastly complex and often vulnerable centralized grid’s T&D network, while at the same time avoiding energy losses from long-distance transmission of remotely produced powers to customer sites.
    A community DC power network that uses the renewable DC power more efficiently by minimizing the losses from repeated AC-DC-AC conversion, while eliminating the need for costly AC power ancillary services. Electricity in DC form is much more simple as compared to its AC counterpart. For instance, DC electricity does not require complicated and costly supports such as frequency regulation or reactive power services. The Eloncity’s proposed local DC power grid includes the DCBus Scheduler that orchestrates the community electricity demand-supply. This local scheduler’s role would be equivalent to that of the independent system operator, but with the significant advantage of the ability to balance the local energy demands and supplies at individual customer premises levels in highly granular temporal resolution. In summary, the local DC grid and DCBus Scheduler, together with the networked BESS, would remove the need for costly ancillary services while eliminating the loss from repeated AC-DC-AC conversion. All these technical innovations ultimately aim to reduce the cost of delivered electricity to the energy consumers.
    (2) Community-driven planning and implementation that warrants the enduring success of the community’s transition into the sustainable, regenerative energy future. Due to the fact that the community and their children must live with this energy future, it is imperative that the community has active participatory roles in defining and creating this new energy future.
    (3) Performance-based and self-funded financing is critical in mobilizing private market capital to fuel wide-scale adoption of decentralized renewable energy. The Foundation will collaborate with financial partners, government agencies, and other key stakeholders to establish revolving loan funds. The revolving loan fund’s goal is to contribute to the upfront capital expenditure necessary for initiating the project in communities that lack access to such funding. The performance-based projects will demonstrate their merits by producing real and meaningful energy bill savings for the community members while generating the required return-of-investment to pay back the startup loans. The repaid loans will be used to finance the subsequent Eloncity projects.
    (4) An equitable regulatory framework that facilitates open markets is necessary for mitigating the currently imbalanced market powers, protecting the energy consumers, supporting the local economy, and unleashing market innovations. The regulatory framework must ensure fair market access for innovative market players and guide market-driven solutions to provide: (a) safety for the community and those that live and work in it, (b) reliable energy services that support vibrant community development in the face of climate change, (c) cost-effective energy services that are affordable to all, especially the low-income families, (d) sustained success of the community transition into the healthy and safe regenerative energy future, and (e) a framework to ensure no community will be left behind as the world accelerates into the clean regenerative energy paradigm.
    The potential markets for the Eloncity Solution would be any areas that are being served by fossil fuel and nuclear powered centralized grids. However, the Foundation will focus on disaster-prone and rural areas during the initial market development phase because these areas: (a) are most vulnerable to electricity service disruptions; (b) typically lack the local capacity to plan and create the safe, healthy, secure and sustainable energy future; and (c) are hard-to-reach and underserved communities that often get left behind. Concurrently, the Foundation will collaborate with large utilities in dense urban areas to provide the decentralized Eloncity Model to address localized constrained service areas. Similar to the example of the Melbourne grid blackout during heatwaves, the constrained areas do not have the adequate T&D capacity to import needed electricity supply. The traditional solution would be costly grid infrastructure upgrades and the re-commission of dirty fossil-fuel or dangerous nuclear power plants. On the other hand, the Eloncity Model produces renewable energy locally for local consumption, thus negating the need to import remotely produced energy through costly and often vulnerable T&D networks.

  1. Analyze the potential of the dispersed economy in general and Eloncity in particular.

    The new economy is born of decentralize, different from the old economy. Instead of developing and enriching networks for some individuals, leverage will be shared among network builders.

In the new economy, the measure of success is not measured by ownership, or traditional measurement units, but networks. How big is your network, efficiency or not, and whether the rules / regulations are relevant or not.
Fears the new economy will kill the old economy like the way Uber has made many traditional taxi companies shut down. Concerns among interest groups, has become the biggest barrier to the development of the crypto world. However, this can not be equated with disruptive innovation.

The deployment of Microgrid Renewable Energy Networks (Eloncity) with island-mode and self-sufficiency power should be implemented in a planned manner. For example, we do not expect Eloncity to be implemented in densely populated areas such as Ho Chi Minh City. We expect this phase to be completely self-powered based on PV or wind-turbine.

Eloncity requires the harmonization of energy in the production, storage and needs of all aspects of an energy ecosystem for locally available renewable resources. In most cases, we should coordinate with centralized networks to make the most of resources. Therefore, in our official report, we emphasize the important strategy of cooperation with local power.

Each system structure has its strength, concentration and decentralization. And both must work together to make our energy systems more reliable with lower costs. For example, in some central areas, such as Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City, they face supply constraints when they are not able to deliver or transport energy from the source of energy to the regions. remote. The traditional approach would be to build more distribution wires, place larger distribution wires, or even build a local power plant in urban areas where space is lacking. And this traditional approach is increasingly outdated and expensive, affecting both financial and social. In this case, the deployment of the decentralized resources strategy would be far superior.

And I really appreciate going this route precisely: the path to this new energy future is not just technology, but also finance, social / community development. , regulatory and legal. Therefore, Eloncit presents in detail the superior power of integrating all of these areas, making the energy sector much more futuristic.

The foundational basis for making things work is collaboration. We need to work with communities, existing utilities, local governments, public agencies, organizations to make our energy systems more reliable, better prices. , more sustainable, safer and more equitable for everyone.
We have run many models in many cities (old cities do not have much space for renewable energy) and we have received 70-80% of self-sufficient energy with available technology and Achieve high economic returns. These models are based on existing technologies and do not include government subsidies.

Rather than defying the superiority of technology, the question that is more relevant to us is how to coordinate centralized and decentralized resources to best benefit ours.
Power companies around the world are spending hundreds of billions of dollars each year to upgrade / rebuild older AC electrical equipment, power supplies that are significantly depleted by pathways, , hundreds of kilometers from the production site (power plant) to every business unit, household, consumer. It can be seen that not all countries can have low power loss rates like Vietnam (source of the Vietnam Electricity Group website)

Impose manual kilowatt electricity prices, not based on market demand, demand, and load balancing algorithms, which blockchain technology and algorithms provide. . The question for these utilities is whether to invest in centralized technologies that will be obsolete in the next 20-30 years. Replying depends on many factors. But in many cases, decentralized energy is slowly becoming a better solution than ever before.
In addition, Eloncity can bring real change to power companies. Power companies can manage their energy bills with a BTM (Behind the Meter) system that is designed to be built for factories or buildings.

Their information technology infrastructure today can not handle millions of distributed energy resources (DERs).

In addition, Eloncity also helps reduce electricity costs, limit the net interest of utilities. If the power companies are not honest, the people are turning to off-grid power systems by adding PVs or battery capacity.

  1. Eloncity Development Roadmap

    The Eloncity implementation roadmap is segmented into three primary phases:
    Throughout Phase 1, the Foundation has spent the last four years collaborating with a coalition of global partners to develop key building block technologies for the Eloncity Model. These collaborative efforts have successfully developed and commercially launched intelligent networked BESS, energy management software, DC appliances and customer-sited renewable power generators. These building block technologies have enabled successful deployments of several hundred self-sufficient buildings.
    During Phase 2, within the next 18 to 24 months, the Foundation will collaborate with government energy agencies, research and education institutions, public agencies, local governments, local utilities, global technology partners, financing partners, community-based organizations, and community members to demonstratively scale the Eloncity Model in communities within North America, Latin America, and Asia. The Eloncity Model will be the integration of Phase-1’s building block technologies with four additional building blocks: the blockchain protocol to support decentralized energy transactions (Eloncity Protocol), community capacity development for the planning and implementation of the community-based decentralized energy projects, performance-based project financing with revolving loan funding, and a decentralized regulatory framework to support market-driven decarbonization. The pilot sites will be in diverse geographical regions to demonstrate the replicability of Eloncity’s universal design in meeting the unique needs of diverse local markets. Key outputs of Phase 2 will be the recipe for replicating the Eloncity Model, based on the synthesis of the lessons from the pilot projects. The Foundation will publish best practices, lessons learned, and project implementation processes to assist global communities in adopting and implementing the Eloncity Model.
    In Phase 3, the Foundation will focus on mass market transformation to proliferate the Eloncity Model to all targeted global markets. More detailed information will be provided in the upcoming Eloncity Whitepaper and the Eloncity website.

Roadmap specific

  1. Founder - Development Team of Eloncity Project

The development team of the Eloncity project is extremely powerful, bringing together experienced engineers in the field of electronics, blockchain .... and have many years of experience in the field they are doing.
Here I will analyze the Project Founder - Mr. Andy Li & Michael Nguyen
Andy Li, founder of Eloncity and POMCube, served as chief technology officer for ChinaCache and a computer researcher at Alibaba Cloud. During his 12 years of experience working for Cisco in the United States, Andy developed an in-depth knowledge of traffic engineering and has since conducted extensive research into intelligent network access; He accumulated 12 years of experience working at Cisco, helping Li become proficient in traffic engineering and also provided him with insight and research experience on the intelligence of the access networks. Li believes that intelligent access network is much more efficient than the core network / distribution, ie, intelligent network backbone network. In addition, Li holds the position of Chief Technology Officer at ChinaCache and Head of Research at Alibaba Cloud Computing. Li is committed to providing solutions like ECN / CDN for Internet infrastructure. While at Alibaba Cloud Computing, Li has initiated the application of DC distribution networks to super data centers to increase energy efficiency. Due to wide recognition and deployment by industry experts.
In 2014, Andy Li founded POMCube Inc. The goal is to design a highly efficient battery power (BESS) system for direct powering DC equipment. Then in 2018, Li's newly founded Eloncity pledged to incorporate blockchain technology into the $ trillion global power market in an effort to help people use renewable energy as their primary source of energy.

We see that Andy Li actually developed this project from 2014; Along with the explosive growth of blockchain technology, Andy Li successfully combined POMCube and Blockchain technology together to create the Eloncity project - Launching a new revolution in the world of energy. Whether Andy Li is as successful as Tesla or not, we have to wait for the development of the project, but I appreciate the great success of this project; This will bring happiness to mankind.

Michael Nguyen, our VP of Program Management. He had 30-year career spans across multiple industries. He‘s a prolific inventor with 17 patents and 4 industry awards for technology innovation. Nguyen founded Communalife, a non-profit focusing on communities‘ empowerment.

  1. Eloncity Project Advisory Team

 The project team is experienced in energy and blockchain.

Bryan Allen is a Software Engineer for the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Task Force. He started working at NASA in 1987, now working on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

 Robbet Mao: He is the founder of the Blockchain 3.0 Arcblock project. He previously worked as a software engineer at Microsoft's FUSE lab in the United States. Robert is one of the pioneering leaders in technology in the US, he is the founder of three companies:

UUZONE: Social networking came out before Facebook, has attracted 3 million users
LOCQL: created PixoMobile - phone application for photo sharing
Wide Web Consortium: SNS predecessor
Image result for robert mao

Kelvin Xu:
Kelvin has a diverse tech background that has allowed him to gain deep understanding in AI, Blockchain, Big Data, IoT, network security, wireless, and optical communication.
Kelvin is the VP of software of RiC Semiconductor with rich experiences of the 3D facial recognition and RF radar for autonomous driving. He also serves as an technical advisor to a VC company to evaluate new business plans, for example the Swirlds Hashgraph early investment. He held Sr. software positions in S&P 500 companies (Bell Canada, Nortel, Alcatel, Fujitsu) as well as startups. His expertise includes: AI, Blockchain, Big Data, IoT, network security, wireless and optical communication. Mr. Xu holds multiple US patents in wireless, IoT, and optics communication.
Mr. Xu holds M.Sc. degree from McGill University and B.Sc. degree from University of Science and Technology of China in GeoPhysics.

Jasmine Zhang:

Jasmine currently works as a Key Account Director at NVIDIA in their Beijing office where she manages three major accounts, comprising a market cap of $20–50B each, to accelerate the enterprise AI adoption and coordination with OEM partners on product and service delivery. She also leverages her team’s technology capacity to assist NVIDIA’s Inception Program, which helps start-up’s with their technical needs and new applications.

Prior to her role at NVIDIA, Jasmine was a Managing Consultant with IBM Global Services where she drove the IBM smart grid global initiatives in China. In addition to holding key roles at other major multinational corporations like Siemens and KPMG, she also has start-up experience. She was the Director of BD and Marketing for Prudent Energy Inc., a new tech venture, where she played a pivotal role in the post-acquisition transition of a multinational business with flow battery technology into a new market. She was able to achieve an entire operational relocation and generate initial sales within within six months.
As a private consultant she also advised the CEO of China’s State Power Group Co. on growth opportunities and strategic planning in the electronic vehicles market. She spearheaded the successful acquisitions of a European hydropower business, as well as the acquisition of SAAB, where she was able to beat out major competitors such as BMW.

Jasmine earned an MBA in Strategy and Marketing, as well as a MS in Global Sustainable Enterprises from the University of Michigan.

  1. Eloncity project partners

There are many partners in the project; This includes Arcblock and Cybermile. This shows that Eloncity will use Blockchain 3.0 of ArcBlock and some of Cybermiles' platforms.
The next is the Krypital Group and Tokeneed. These are the major partners who have worked with projects such as Cybermile; Arcblock; Merculet; Egretia and has been a resounding success in ICO calls.
Krypital is a partner of many large decks, so the launch of large after ico is a simple thing; This is really a project worth investing.

  1. Conclusion
    Andy Li's revolution and Eloncity's team are successful, we have to wait for the development behind. But with the professionalism of the project; The development team has a lot of experience, consultants are veterans in the field of energy and technology; This shows that the project has high feasibility and great development prospects. This is a worthwhile project to look forward to.

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