Naga merupakan salah satu makhluk fantasi legendaris. Banyak sekali cerita fiksi yang melibatkan kehadiran naga didalam ceritanya.
Di negara china Naga dilambangkan sebagai simbol kemakmuran dan umur panjang. Sedangkan dieropa naga lebih diidentikkan dengan makhluk jahat. Darah naga juga dipercaya memberi khasiat kebal dan hidup abadi.
Kali ini saya menggambar seekor bayi naga menggunakan pensil.
Yang terlihat seperti berikut ini..
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The dragon is one of the legendary fantasy creatures. Lots of fictional stories involving the presence of dragons in their story.
In China Dragon is symbolized as a symbol of prosperity and longevity. While in europe dragon is more identified with evil creatures. Dragon blood is also believed to provide immune properties and eternal life.
This time I drew a baby dragon using a pencil
Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk