[Electroneum] Mobile Miner First Impressions Is ETN an undervalued project?

I've been using the Electroneum Mobile Miner (part of the Electroneum mobile app) for a short-while now and thought I'd share my first thoughts on it with you all. I opened up the Electroneum app on my Android phone today, and was greeted by a screen I hadn't seen before, the fabled Mobile Miner. Now, I haven't received any notifcations from the Electroneum team as to whether I was accepted onto the beta or not, so I don't know if the miner is accessible to everyone, so please try and let me know in the comments down below.

Electroneum Mobile Miner Screenshot

Unlike other mobile miners such as the Minergate app, this doesn't actually mine anything on your phone. Instead, your device is benchmarked and is then allocated a hashrate that's equivalent to what you would be able to achieve if it was actually mining cryptocurrency. You are then allocated the amount of ETN you would have received if you were actually mining a block. The reason for this is that mobile devices are not built to handle the complex calculations required to perform real mining, they overheat very quickly which could potentially damage your phone. This is a mining simulator, not a miner.

Part of Electroneum's mission statement is to be the first cryptocurrency to be adopted by the masses, lowering the barriers of entry to the crypto markets and bringing cryptos to the masses. The mobile miner is a large part of that strategy, with the hope of allowing less-privileged people to subsidise the cost of the mobile device/provider.

I have to say, I'm really impressed with the experience so far mainly because this isn't going to cause your device to deteriorate like Minergate. You can easily leave the app running in your pocket during the day and not even notice the app is running. There was no slowing down of other apps, with me still being able to use my phone as normal. In the space of about 1 hour, I managed to accumulate nearly 0.5 ETN which is more than I can get using my laptop now. Overall, the Mobile Miner has exceeded my expectations and really could be the killer feature of this cryptocurrency in the short run.I have to note here that what you mine during the beta will not be rewarded.

If you have the Electroneum app, open it up and see if you can use the Mobile Miner, and let me know your results down in the comments. If you haven't signed up for an Electroneum account, I'd really appreciate it if you used my referral code when signed up. I'll leave it down below. As always, make sure to follow me for the latest Electroneum and Cryptocurrency updates, plus other cool things I find around the web.

In my opinion ETN is an undervalued project.