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RE: US election - NO to Trump please!

in #election5 months ago

I despise that man. He lies constantly and only cares about himself. He's bad for America and the world. No politician is perfect, but he is sure to make many things worse. We just have to wait and see what happens.


I dislike the "lesser of two evils" we get put into so conveniently every time.

What do Americans have to look forward to with Harris? More millions of illegal immigrants? Higher prices of everything, from food, fuel to houses? More money funneled to other countries?

When he was president, Americans were in pretty decent shape. We could afford food, houses, leisure time.

There were NO new wars or conflicts. That one is very important.

I think the "Trump Derangement Syndrome" is a serious thing and verging on a mental illness. I am not the biggest fan of his but comparing the two? I am going Trump every fucking day over more of the absolute destruction of the country that we are seeing now.

Harris had to study for TWO days before her Fox interview. How the fuck can we trust her to make critical decisions in a few moments notice when she can't even handle a television interview?

She also can't speak without a teleprompter, fumbles all kinds of statements and has absolutely zero of her own policies.

This "Trump bad" argument is utter horse shit and has no substance. I will say again, I don't love him but he did a pretty decent job the last time compared to his predecessor and successor.

The difference THIS time - if he wins - is he's got a fucking stellar team of people to clean some shit up. RFK on the health and environment, Musk on streamlining government, Tulsi to hopefully clean up the fucking military.

What do we get from Harris? Again, more of the same dog shit embarrassment we've had with no changes.

I'm sorry but there's no competition here and I'm pretty sensible, not a zealot for either side.

America may have done well despite Trump rather than due to what he did. Next time he will be worse. I don't like Musk either. Both of them lie and make divisive, hateful remarks. I judge them on what they actually say. RFK seems a useful idiot too.

It seems about half the country agrees with me, so it is not a minority view. We shall see how it pans out.

He will be worse - based on what? Point me to policies and directions that he is saying he will do and how it will be bad. Stay away from sound bite crap - substance is what we need.

Can you help me understand, outside of off putting things he says like calling someone a pig - what policy of his will be bad?

So should we take him seriously, but not literally? These things are based a lot on personality and I don't like that nasty bully. He's not 'strong', he just lashes out and will have little respect in the world. That's my opinion and you have yours.