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RE: Making my Vote truly Count

in #election8 years ago

The problem that arises is which other candidate to vote for? For a long time I believed the whole "no vote is a wasted vote" and the idea that "the lesser of two evils is still evil". I spent two full election cycles going around parading for a third party candidate. The day of the 2012 election I realized that as close as the third party candidate was to my beliefs, they still weren't good enough. Even if a third party candidate gets elected, they're only going to have eight years at best to make a difference. Not to mention, the president is almost more of a figurehead than anything else anyway. What happens once a libertarian/communist/green/party/pirate/constitution/worker's/etc party candidate gets into the oval office? Yey! Victory! We got our third party president! Oh, wait, you mean there's no house, senate or judicial system seats that support our third party president's position? Crap... The system will still be broken. It's a broken system run by broken ambitions for power.

Point being, I stopped voting the day of the 2012 election. I realized that my interpretation of my religious beliefs tell me that I don't need a human to rule over me (check out 1 Samuel 8 in the Bible for where this comes from). We all have a natural instinct to care for others. We don't need anyone to tell us how we are or aren't supposed to do that.


I understand what you are saying for I know that power corrupts. I'm only saying that people should have the option to vote third party without having to be told that their vote is wasted.

I agree, keep in mind someone who makes the conscious decision to not consent to the system by not voting should have that option as well.

That is one way to look at it but people died for the right to vote and women weren't allowed to vote at one time so I feel my voice should still be heard in some way but like I said its how one looks at it. By not voting people have been speaking too, and I understand that. If fact my own experience with the system has made me not vote on a few occasions as I've come to hate the system that hates a certain class of people and is not fair to certain classes either so its about always keeping that open mind.