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RE: US election - NO to Trump please!

in #election4 months ago

I agree, it's okay to be angry (I imagined myself when I get similarly worked up in topics I feel strongly about). I will add though, that I still felt compelled to read all your comments! Simply because I still thought they were interesting and well worded.

I actually agree with a lot of it, too. I used to be subtly interested in politics before. I was even an election judge once. I didn't vote this year though. I don't think there is such thing as the lesser of two evils anymore. Both sides are evil. Or, at the very least, both running candidates along with their running mates. Can we blame them? (Yes.) More importantly can blame the last guy or the one before him and so on and so forth. What can anyone really do in 4 to 8 years to really help the United States of America at this point?

By the way, I have sort of been anxiously anticipating whether you were going to reply to my remark or not! Haha